During the day after the morning and lunchtime rush.Some guests will start to return to the hotel in the late afternoon. Some to enjoy the nearby private beach or to freshen up for the evening and others to enjoy afternoon tea. Afternoon tea is often G&T or similar. The hotel has a professional staff of caterers, sissymaids are used for presentation but not cooking, in Mistresses hotel. The chefs are all women and although Mistress prefers to employ ladies from the scene where possible, most ladies on the scene are highly professional people, So Mistress employs from outside the scene where necessary. A lot of these outside professionals are from lesbians community or are BI but some are completely vanilla & straight. We have to assist and serve these ladies as part of our duties and serve them on their breaks and they generally treat us sissies with amused, or bemused disparagement.
Sometimes the significant
other of these ladies or just their friends come to collect them from work. The
Misses make us carry all their coats and other things out to the waiting cars for them and
curtsy to the visitors.
The returning hotel guests enjoy tea, drinks and afternoon cakes. Science has rendered even the creamiest and fat filled fancy or gateaux, to be completely nutritionally beneficial and full of fibre too. These luxuries are only for the superiors though, not for us sissies on our strict diets. The superiors do sometimes indulge and tease us with a special sissy treat, a vaguely phallic éclair filled with cream, that initially tastes extremely sweet and then suddenly dissolves into to a strong and sticky semen like taste and aroma. The Ladies, mainly, enjoy squirting and then wiping the cream on our surprised faces. Laughing at how taken aback we always look.
For the evening most guests will go out, with only a one or two staying to dine in. So we are busy cleaning and
tidying everything. In the mid evening after the sissies have finished cleaning
the hotel. We are allowed some relaxation & leisure time. For cleaning and
ironing our uniforms. To take a long hot enema. Shower, exfoliating and depilating our skin, and washing our hair. Incidentally any faint
body fluff will be fully treated with electric and then with epilating creams,
we are kept totally smooth and soft. So smooth and soft, we can almost hear and feel our bodies squeak. After the shower we moisturize and perfume our soft skin, then carefully do
our toe and fingernails, making sure the varnish and polish is perfect. Our bodies are soft and rounded. The hormones and treatments keep us very
slender, but slightly curvy with no visible muscle tone. Even though our chores are
all very menial and almost all performed very laboriously and diligently by hand, our bodies stay
soft and sweet for Mistress and the
guests. Then with plenty of fussing as we fix our sissy hairstyles.
After which we all get dressed in our nightwear and sit quietly hoping that Mistress might summon us for the evening, for intimate service, or if only to serve Her wine and be in Her presence for a short while. The nightwear is pre chosen for us, highly glossy slippery satin or latex babydoll in style, demure but very sexy, very tight panties. All in glossy almost glassy sissy pastel pink. Some Mistresses like a selection of sissy pastel colours but Mistress is very fond of and insists on only pink for our intimate night attire. The lingerie panties like our day to day are very snug and tight, squeezing and showing off out cute bottoms and the tiny bulge of our chastity locks perfectly. Mistress says its quite lovely and liberating to relax just before bed in Her lingerie with no panties on Herself, relaxing and deliciously ventilated in the cooler evening air, being served by sissy in her cute tight glossy panties.
In any case when we are scrubbed and preened we all perch primly on edges of the small beds in the sissy rooms and wait expectantly. Squirming and aching to be chosen by Mistress. And squirming even more hotly with helpless jealously if one of us is chosen. Even though we never know if the chosen sissy is being sent to serve Mistress, or to wait in one of the male guests rooms for His return. And when we know
or suspect a sissy is being taken to one of the guests rooms to serve one of the Sirs, we are still blushing and squelching with hot fetid jealousy. We know we will all most likely be chosen at least once in the night.
After these lucky or unlucky sissies have been led away the Misses then take the rest of us into the small waiting room at the back of the main lounge. Where we are allowed to sit and wait quietly for the guests to arrive back at the end of the evening. We have small cosmetic trays so we can fuss and preen to make ourselves more pleasing, and the Misses often instruct us to apply lots more lip gloss so our fellatio lips look glossy and inviting. The dildo plugs are kept to feel (although this is all autosuggestion) very large and we are squirming quite uncomfortable on the hard phalluses. They are expanded further when we are with the Sirs so you almost feel about to pop or burst. Only with Mistress is the plug kept larger.
There we wait anxiously for the guests to arrive back. Mostly in silence but occasionally there is a tiny nervous gasp or giggle. This is quickly silenced by the attending Miss, and sissy may end up with six lashes, and or left gagged with a pair of panties, if Miss feels like it.
Feminized or effeminized sissies all still unconvincingly cling to the implausible and incredulous fantasy sense of forced-bi and that we are not truly aroused by serving the men, ‘in that way’. Or just, as if this makes any difference, ‘His cock’ & just because Mistress insists and compels us. But we still ache to serve and please the Sirs obediently and serve them in complete devoted concentration on their sexual pleasure. Mistress and the other ladies are always amused and by this and love teasing us. Telling us how wonderful it is for us to serve Real Men and kneel at their feet locked in chastity totally for His pleasure.
Feebly protesting in shame and never wanting to confess that we are not attracted towards the Men, as
we love His big swollen cock pushing into our mouth and throat, deeply and forcefully penetrating our bottoms. Love pleasing Him, seeing the pleasure in His eyes as we suck Him sweetly, lovingly. Opening our lips suggestively in an inviting glossy O shape, then pouting and pursing our lips so that He may enjoy penetrating and pressing into them opening them with shape of His swollen glans. Sucking and licking His shaft and His masculine balls, telling Him how big and manly He is. Whispering flatteringly how wonderful it must be to be Him to be a Real Man. Wishing He would permit you to suck and lick His cock adoringly for longer, before He urgently takes you by the back of the neck or with a fistful of hair and pushes forcefully deep inside you. Loving the fact that He ignores your spluttering and gagging, His pleasure immeasurable more important than your choking discomfort. Love swallowing His sticky lumpy cum obediently and love choking on the thick wad as we wait for His permission to swallow. Hearing His moans and sighs of pleasure as He spurts and erupts inside us. Love feeling that substantial explosion of male pleasure in our mouths and bottoms. Love licking Him clean afterwards, especially when he inadvertently spurts a last splash of warm aftercum into our faces or mouth. And we even love being sent away in tears afterwards, knowing/hoping we have pleased Him. After He has cum to His satisfaction and we are still locked in chastity, as we always should be. His finishing slap on the bottom and uninterested dismissal, putting us firmly in our place.
And even though everyone knows it, we can never dare profess or declare this to Him or Mistress, to anyone, especially to ourselves. And Mistress loves this about Her sissies. We are kept sweet and demure, and we ache so desperately to please.
Some guests like to have a sissy waiting for them when they return for the evening. So these sissies will be cuffed, and taken to the guests room. Left often gagged, waiting standing or kneeling facing the wall in the guests darkened room. Sometimes she will be blindfolded or hooded too. Will she be spanked, paddled or sissy-raped ? No doubt it will be both and sticky fellatio too.
When He finally returns she will have been waiting all evening. Squirming in the darkness of the hood or the room. In that sweet sissy mix of near orgasmic arousal and fear. If She has been left ungagged she will have cried out at every little sound, imagining the door opening, hearing His footsteps or His breathing behind her. Whimpering, pleading, in tearful fright if Sir is here. Whispering pleadingly even though she knows he will not be, to be gentle with her. To please not spank or paddle her bottom too hard. If she has been gagged with a cock gag or pair of her panties, these will have been muffled whimpered & moaned into her gag as she squirms and chokes sweetly on her own vulnerable sissy funk. In the darkness more often than not imagining hearing his footsteps, in spite of herself, getting more aroused, more vulnerable and desperate with fright until finally he does come. Crying out helplessly into the darkness, soaked in the imagined warm damp stink of sex and fear. Waiting for His command, His hand on Her intimacies, His slap on her bottom.
When He does return, she will more often than not be soundly spanked or paddled before fellatio and
anal penetration. No matter how much, how prettily she pleads, begs and hopes not to be spanked or paddled. The more she begs the more He will enjoy spanking her, and usually she will be made to beg to be spanked, so she can please Him more. And naturally she will always thank Sir after a spanking. After He has disciplined her for sex.
And quite often when He returns He will not be alone and may have a group of friends with Him. She
may be paddled or spanked by each of them in turn before serving drinks whilst being groped & fondled, Squirming and wriggling as the mens strong hands so rudely explore her. Usually they will be seated relaxing and she will between their open knees, bent over serving drinks, putting and squealing pathetically, wiggling her bottom at the slaps and pinches.
Before they put her on her knees or bend her over to fuck that lovely tight sissy ass, or enjoy her soft pouty fellatio lips. After they have finished cumming and are fully sated, satisfactorily drained even, and she has licked them all clean and thanked them, she might be sent to wait alone in His room. He may want fellatio again before he sleeps. Or she may be simply sent back down to the sissy rooms. Collected by one of the Misses, and hurried along with the stinging leather tip/tab of the crop, mincing and hotly sticky and smelly with the Sirs pleasure.
She will not be permitted to change her sex soiled clothing until the morning. Unless of she is sent for by another guest in the night, then of course she will be given a fresh set of sexy nightwear for His enjoyment. Otherwise she will sleep in the wet patch, so to speak in wet panties. If She is summoned again, and it is often a few times in the night, she will take her old sticky panties for him to use a gag if he so chooses. If they have dried somewhat they will dampen and swell in taste and aroma again in her hot little mouth as she sobs and cries as he spanks her.
The men are often non specific in the small hours unless they have a particular sissy in mind. There are usually about 20 to 25 guests, to 50 of us sissies, so there are always a good selection of sissies to choose from. No Sir ever goes without, but He might complain if a particular sissy is busy when he wants her. She can always go to His room after the current guest has fucked and dismissed her. Naturally she will be punished, for not being available, the guest of course is always right. Either Sir will instruct sissy to fetch one of the canes from the special cabinet provided in every suite of rooms. A small cabinet with a selection of stout thick rod like canes, and an assortment of paddles, as well as various gags, hoods, blindfolds and cuffs. Sir will pay extra depending on whether or not he chooses to use the cane, mostly it is considered sufficient to use one of the leather paddles or an open palm. However if Sir wishes to punish sissy He can opt to use the cane. Or He can call one of the Misses to bend sissy over and watch sissy get 6 stinging lashes with the crop, or both if He so chooses.
Usually Sir prefers to spank sissy with her panties down, or panties stuffed into her mouth. His big
open palm stinging her soft naked bottom cheeks. Similarly with the wide leather paddles. But for a caning usually performed bent over the side of a chair, the men mostly seem to like the sight of sissies tight bottom quivering in panties. She will still usually be gagged with a pair of panties, unless Sir wants to use a cock gag. Occasionally sissy will be gagged with Her, just removed, overly phallic butt plug for anal but most men don’t seem to like that option. The 12” butt plug even unexpanded is overly large and very stiff so can be a little awkward to use as a gag.
For the moment Mistress prefers not to board sissies whose owners are away, as some hotels do. So its just us, Her own sissies and a small but selective clientele. The hotel has an excellent rating and the pretty sissies are regarded as extremely well disciplined, obedient totally submissive and satisfying.
Since Mistress opened the hotel Her own sissies have been strictly for Her and Her guests as chambermaids. So the limo and lap dancing service as well as the paying visitors have stopped for us. She still offers the same services but now with sissies She is training, in Her old house, which is very close to the hotel and near the coast just as the hotel is. Mistress estimates that our service has paid the initial vast expense of hotel off within 2 years, and will give Her enough liquidity to open maybe another hotel or club within another year. The wages, benefits and profit sharing for the Misses and other ancillary staff are very generous. But we sissies of course never get to touch or see any of the money, as Mistresses chattel we are not permitted things that our superiors deem inappropriate.
Downstairs Sissy will be locked in the night cuff. A small tight pink leather bag for each closed hand and then another tight padded bag to keep both hands together, so stop inadvertent inappropriate night time touching. Not that we would ever dare to masturbate, even though we are constantly aroused, but being locked in the cuffs makes you unable to stop thinking about it, as you drift into sleep. You usually find you have tucked the little bag into your chest and under your chin curled up sweetly around it, but also often find yourself waking in the night with your cuffed hands pressed squeezed between your thighs.
Then She will be pushed into one of the beds with the other sissies. We usually sleep 5 or 6 to a bed, all cuddled and spooning together, there is simply no space to do otherwise, the little outfits are very slippery and distracting too. The smell and stickiness of the men pleasure will inevitable end up being shared by all of us. And we all squirm in bothered shameful arousal and frustrated as we drop back off to sleep.
Luckily we drop off to sleep very easily. Mistress and the Misses say its because we have such empty pretty little heads and our housework and chores are so menial and mundane. All we have to think about is being obedient and pleasing and the cane help sissies with that. The
We often wake fitfully in the night, in the closeness of our chastity or squirming helplessly on our plugs. From dreams of Mistress of kneeling between Her thighs, of hearing Her nearing the throes of orgasm, then waking, always just moments before She climaxes. Or sucking Sir, but waking just as He spurts into your mouth or face. Or Him penetrating your ass, which feels even more incredibly tight. Always in the dreams He is unbelievably thick and huge, and His cum is so thick and sticky, so smelly and strong tasting and so much of it, His thick spurts non ending until you wake. Then you will realize where you are and look down at your panties, sometimes you can see a tiny spot of sissy precum there. Mostly you can only feel the insignificant wetness, not see it, and mostly you never feel yourself actually leaking, due to chastity and the deep urethra tube. In the morning the Misses will scold and tease us amused at our discomfort as we wash our panties. And sometimes punish us gagged with the panties before we wash them.
These naughty indiscreet night time emissions, no matter how tiny weak and pathetic are reminder to us
sissies of all the times we inappropriately touched ourselves, when we should have been locked securely in chastity performing domestic chores, or making ourselves pretty for our superiors and future owners.
Incidentally All Mistresses current seraglio of sissies are virgins in the boyish sense, at least & have never been with a real woman and have never & will never cum with Mistress. Naturally nor with another superior, male or female. Or be ever permitted to inappropriately touch ourselves again.
In any case Mistress and lots of dominant ladies disapprove of masturbation, why should they bother to do that when sissy can perform with her hot eager little tongue. And also try to discourage their boyfriends from jerking off when sissy is available.
Mistress insists and the Misses always make sure we get at least 8 hours of sleep a night even if it is often interrupted, nobody likes a tired looking sissy. We are to be always submissively content looking, bright eyed and eager to obediently please.
Some of the lucky or unlucky sissies are pre chosen but most of us wait until the guests arrive back. While the superiors enjoy music and an alcoholic nightcap, we are led up into the main room and parade ourselves around the room and the seated Sirs and Ladies. slowly grinding & wiggling our bottoms, Squelching and squirming sexily on our plugs for them.
Then we are instructed to face the far wall that is illuminated for
the purpose of displaying us. There is a small heart shaped motif on the floor for each of us to stand on. We are to squirm and grind as if around an imaginary thin pole, like a massive stout fleshy erect cock, while the men watch us and decide who they want to fuck tonight. There is a number above the standing spot, but we are not allowed to respond to those or any numbers, unless its to count the number of strokes of the cane or crop, or for a recipe. We are kept in a state of deliberate imposed illiteracy and innumeracy as befitting our status, as much as possible. Instead a little bell goes off above our heads to summon us if a guest wants us to come to them to be examined squeezed and fondled.Or He might come over to the wall and slap your bottom before fondling you then allowing you to turn around so He can examine you further. He sometimes instructs you to kneel and pushes a finger between your glossy lips, testing the sweetness of your sucking the tightness of your suction, as you look up into His eyes. I am always so glad of lots of lip gloss at this moment, hoping it pleases Him too. And He will watch you squelch and grind on your plug, slowly deliberately, gasping and panting looking up into His lustful and uncompromising gaze.
You are dreadfully aware of the other sissies around you, knowing they will be watching you perform seductively for Sir with furtive envious glances, listening to your squelching and your panting and begging to please Him. Sensing their scandalised, jealous silently voiced derision. ‘what a shameful little slut’ ‘what a bimbo’ ‘she deserves to be spanked and hard’ ‘deserves everything she is going to get tonight’. The burning fetid shame spurring you on to be even hotter for Him. And knowing that you will and always feel exactly the same towards the sissy kneeling next to you when she in turn is examined and groped.
There is no escape from a sissies total submission to male pleasure, when you are looking up into His eyes, squirming on your plug, wanting to kiss and taste His cock, His cum, for His pleasure. Looking into His face means you cant pretend you are just sucking His cock, you are a effeminized, sissified bimbo pleasing a Real Man.
Then He might snap his fingers indicating His choice or in dismissal, or slap your bottom loudly, or simply just move on to the next sissy who interests Him. Often not even bothering to say anything, just leaving you in in a state of uncertainty, in tears, squirming with warm humid humiliation and shamed.
It is His choice and His choice only, your desperate urges and needs are irrelevant and insignificant. Or if you have been found pleasing and He has chosen you, He might slap your bottom and send you to wait in His room. One of the Misses will take you to His room and leave you kneeling in the darkness waiting for Him to come & to cum. Your earlier elation at being found favourable quickly evaporating to helpless vulnerability. Waiting squirming hotly in arousal and fright, in the darkness to see what will be done to you, for His sexual pleasure, just like the sissies who were chosen earlier.
The guests room to you is an emotional and intimate, space of total sexual submission and obedience. Of Male domination as it applies to the feminized sissy. You are totally for His pleasure and He can do whatever He pleases sexually to you, but no physical abuse. The rooms are also monitored, the guests are not allowed to physically beat up or abuse the sissies. Punishment is spanking or paddling, sometimes the cane. And occasionally Sir will want to take His leather belt to you. That is permitted too as long as He doesn’t use the buckle.
The hotel is very exclusive and expensive the select clientele are expected to be gentlemanly and well mannered. But also the men are allowed & expected to be extremely dominant sexually with the sissies. Everything about sissies service to Him is for His sexual pleasure and gratification. When His door closes behind Him as He enters you literally choke with fear and arousal, until He dismisses you, you are owned by Him and His lusts. And when His door closes behind you, on your way out, you are totally in tears feeling totally used and utterly humiliated, sexually and otherwise.
The Misses are quite kind and considerate at this point, quickly taking you back downstairs to the beds. Although sometimes they might have you fetch and serve them a couple of drinks if they are bored on the overnight shifts. They will usually be sat on the lounge veranda enjoying the breeze coming off the sea, as the nights are often very sultry here, smoking and drinking wine, while you wait on them, in your sticky sex soiled nightwear. It can be very pleasant serving the Misses in the cooling breeze, even though you are usually standing, or kneeling behind them, so not directly in the draught. But it is nice listening to them chat so casually. Also nice to smell the lovely delicate and expensive scents the Misses like to use wafting in the breeze. It must be satisfying to be a Sir here. But so wonderful to be one of the dominant Ladies, the Misses or Mistress. They are not usually much interested in you, apart from your service at this later point in the evening. But sometimes they like chat to you, mildly teasing and chiding you, enjoying your ‘ever so sweet sissy blushes’ & it is so lovely to curtsy and kiss their bottoms when they are relaxing like this. Before they take you back down to bed.
With the guests consent the feed from all the intimate and domestic service, is also for sale online. His face is obscured with a fake AI generated image, your face covered in His cum is not.
Mistress often watches the monitor feed for Her own amusement, as do the Misses. On very rare occasions She will allow you to perch primly on the edge of the couch next to Her while we watch an item on Her large phone, that She finds particularly pleasing. Then you might be sent for the pink cushion or one of Her strap ons or both, and blissfully wash Her panties afterwards.
It is so heavenly, in these moments to look up in rapture and adoringly into Mistresses eyes as She relaxes after a multiple orgasmic climax. Or to perform domestic chores lovingly just for Her knowing that you are Hers.
We are so happy and fortunate to be one of Her sissymaids and so privileged to be Her chambermaids in Her hotel to earn money for Mistress to enjoy spending.
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