
To kiss softly, obediently adoringly, aching and longing to please Her

Sunday 30 June 2024

Harem fantasies


Mistress was relaxing on the couch. It had been a very hot day. She had gone to the beach with Her boyfriend. Earlier I had gotten so very excited helping Her choose what to wear. In the end She had chosen a lovely pair of matt leather shorts and a filmy silk blouse, She looked lovely as always. I had gotten so very excited that Mistress had said She had considered caning me, or cock gagging me for the day. But in the end announced that it was a little to late for me to toilet this morning, having spent so much time getting Her ready. And She had left my dildo plug at its largest maximum setting, for my chores today. When Sir came round He looked at me squirming as I served them drinks and I could see He was getting excited himself. But I wasn’t sure if it was Mistresses outfit or my glossy fellatio lips that was making Him swell so much. He had ever so slightly cupped Mistresses bottom in His big hands so confidently sensually, in just the way She liked as they started to leave. She had turned to Him with a giggle and told Him huskily, not here, maybe later, or maybe later you can fuck sissy.

Then I had curtsied to them and knelt down to kiss Her bottom. She had wiggled Her bottom quite

fetchingly on my lips. I couldn’t help but  tell She was aroused. I was so close to Her I could smell the lovely smell of Her. Then standing again I had curtsied to both of them, and Sir had cupped my bottom, but much more firmly and then with a hard pat that was almost a slap, dismissed me.

“Get on with your chores sissy.” Mistress told me closing the door

“Yes Mistress, thank You Mistress.” I said curtsying as the door closed.

Then I had hurried back to my housework.

Mistress often randomly inspected the AI activated video feed, so I didn’t dare tarry, it was not becoming in a sissymaid.

Sir had dropped Mistress off late in the afternoon, and I had attended Her whilst She had  a bath. Using the soft scrapper and loofah, while She lay back and relaxed, listening to music. Then after drying Her and kissing Her bottom lovingly She had put on a silk lacy house negligee and gone downstairs to sit in lounge with the patio doors open and the AC keeping Her cool. I had served Her chilled white wine and some light sweet pastries and  hurried off to the hot and stuffy laundry room to begin hand washing Her clothes.

Now later in the afternoon, early in the evening I was kneeling at Her side, She allowed me to look up above Her waistline and told me to remove Her panties, it was still very warm. I was still in my close fitting satin maids uniform with its clingy petticoats and buttoned up peter pan collar. Looking perfect & pretty in my uniform for Mistress and Her guests was so much more important than any slight discomfort for Her sissymaid. The black silk was quite damp and Mistress was quite hot and wet. She had been with Her boyfriend all day but kept Him teased and horny all day. She not being in the mood for indulging Him today. It pleased Her to tease and keep Her boyfriends on edge until She was ready. And Her sissy in strict chastity, so I was always attentive and desperately loving for Her intimate pleasure.

Mistress lifted the hem of Her negligee and allowed me to kiss Her inner thighs softly and slowly while we chatted.

We were talking about slave  girls who were always kept hot and needy to please their Master. And how

they would compete jealously to serve Him and be so  desperately orgasmic. Aching for Him inside them. Clinging so helplessly as He came inside them as they climaxed in submissive ecstasy. Feeling themselves melting around Him into Him. Then forlornly licking and sucking cleaning Him so lovingly afterwards. Hoping to keep Him hard to please Him with fellatio once more before He went to sleep. As He fell asleep they swallowed His cum adoringly then if they were favoured slept in His arms, squirmed and slept in His arms. Mostly He would keep her still locked in the love bracelets a delicate waist chain and cuffs set that kept her wrists behind her for fellatio and sex, when He went to sleep. She was not permitted to touch Herself, except for His amusement. Very similar to the pink leather belt and cuff set Mistress used for pegging me, or Sir used for fellatio and anal sex with me. The heart shaped links delicate and pretty were nonetheless inescapable and as obdurate as my pink cuffs. Not that she nor I the sissymaid would ever think to be anything other than totally intimate obedient to our superiors sexual pleasure.

Often He would leave her gagged  with her panties, while He slept. The same panties He muffled Her squeals moans while He enjoyed Her intimate penetration. Sometime she might be kept gagged until He had cum and her helpless climax had subsided. Sometimes He might ungag her at the last moment, as they both came so she could sob her helpless submission to Him as wave after wave of orgasm swept over her.

While He slept she would cling close to Him and His cock, trying with her body warmth to keep Him at least semi erect against her body through the glassy pleasure silks. Maybe softly rubbing her cleavage along His shaft. If she was left ungagged she might kiss Him softly as He slept, tremulously needy. Aching for Him to wake but fearful of His displeasure if  waking Him. Longing for the morning when she might be properly permitted to wake Him with her mouth. Then to swallow and be sent to her chores. How wonderful to be Him to be woken like that to see her eyes looking up lovingly at His as she licked and kissed, sucked Him so obediently so adoringly. And His hot harem of houris all aching and competing fervently to be in her place.

Mistress quite enjoyed this little fantasy and She and Her friends savoured  endlessly teasing me with it.

Because She knew it had been one of my favourites too. Always confused emotionally sexually whether I ached to be the satisfied owner of this delicious harem of sexual pleasure, or one of the slave girls to please and serve perfectly or be punished. 

Of course now a sissymaid in Her chastity it was obvious that wherever my proclivities had inclined before. I was now one of the latter or lesser. For Her pleasure only, and that of Her boyfriends who She enjoyed watching me suck or be fucked by them as foreplay to Her own pleasure.

And how perfect and appropriate it was for me to please Her or Him with my mouth, kept tiny in chastity, and dismissed after sex to my housework. How lovely for me to hand wash Her panties after She had orgasmed on my tongue, the memory of Her hot wetness making me squirm and squelch helplessly as performed my most intimate chore. Or my bottom slapped after sex with Sir as I minced back to my chores. How lovely and perfect for the sexually humiliated sissymaid.

And how wonderful it was for Her or for Him to be them, totally sexually satisfied whenever they pleased. Cane or crop firmly in hand so my domestic and intimate service was perfect for them. Loving but kept under strict discipline to ensure my total attentive obedience.

And while the slavegirls in the fantasies did sometimes climax and orgasm, however helplessly and submissively in ecstasy for their Masters or Mistresses pleasure. Sissymaids are not permitted to cum, or climax, as that would detract not only from their attentive obedience and the performance of their domestic chores, even if only for a brief time, post sissygasm.  But also from the enjoyment of my superior in knowing that I was squirming and aching as I pleased Her or Him. Breathlessly orgasmic, on the very edge of climax.

How glad Mistress was to be Her and not one such as me.  

“Yes Miss, thank You Miss.” I whispered quite hotly.

When it was just She and I, I was to call Her Miss rather than Mistress, as She felt that was more


She was very wet now, but She finished off Her wine and sent me for a refill. Just for the pleasure of watching me, knowing I was so excited, struggle to my feet and curtsy, gracefully and perfectly. Then watch me as I minced to the kitchen and returned with Her wine.

When I returned She patted my head and stood up to go to the loo. Sometimes She enjoyed peeing into my mouth and sometimes like today She didn’t. But even so it made me squirm and ache as I had not been allowed to toilet yet today. Mistress often teased or punished me this way as it had been found that sissies could be not allowed to pee for up to 3 days with no damage but lots of squirmy discomfort. And it was quite enjoyable for Sir if we were very squirmy when He spanked or fondled our bottoms.

She smiled at me as She sat back down as if to emphasize Her relief and to accentuate my discomfort and took a sip of Her wine.

Then She lifted the hem of Her negligee and pulled me close to Her.

“Curtsy cuffs sissy, or maybe should I send you for the leather cuffs ?” She whispered quite huskily almost to Herself.

“Yes Miss, thank You Miss.” I replied in my squeaky sissy voice but also very huskily.

She looked own at me as if surprised by my answer.

“Yes curtsy cuffs sissy, for now sissy.”

Curtsy cuffs meant that I had to hold the hem of my dress as if curtsying until given permission to let

go. Mistress liked it for cunnilingus and if She spanked me, sometimes for caning too. Though She often She used the pink leather cuffs for punishment, and pegging, but also often for cunnilingus too. It all depended on Her fancy. Needlessly to say if I broke curtsy cuffs I would find myself in the leather cuffs for a severe punishment. I was always in the locked in the cuffs when serving Sir.  

“Yes Miss, thank You Miss.”

She parted Her thighs that much more and then slipped the damp hem of Her slip over my head

“Yes Miss, thank You Miss.” I whispered lovingly.

After She had climaxed I fetched Her a clean negligee and another glass of wine and was allowed to stay between Her thighs kissing Her softly while I cleaned and dried Her. She did give me a little drink of Her hot pee straight into my mouth too. I didn’t fetch Her a fresh pair of panties. It was way to warm for panties wasn’t it sissy, She teased me as I squirmed in my chastity and on my plug in my hot tight satin panties.

“Yes Miss, thank You Miss.”

Mistress opened Her phone to chat to one of Her friends. The camera was turned to me so I could curtsy and say hello to Miss. Her own sissy was behind Her quietly facing the wall, waiting to serve.  I was sent away to wash Mistresses  panties while She chatted.

Later in the bathroom Mistress watched me as I had my evening enema, showered and then powdered and moisturized myself. Then put on my glassy pink baby doll nightdress, then my makeup. I wasn’t permitted to toilet again.

I fetched Mistress another wine and She watched me as I changed Her black silk sheets. Making sure they were perfectly smooth and totally crease free, almost like a mirror exactly as She liked.

Mistress was enjoying Her wine and was ebullient and expansive. She and Her friend had been chatting about how in the future Mistresses and Masters would have a household of sissies for their domestic service and intimate pleasure.

Ideally at least 10 per household. There were plenty of eager sissies who would be cajoled, enticed into service. Sissy maids who  neither deserved their own volition nor orgasms. But would serve their owners so desperately lovingly and be happy to do so.

In such households sissies would need to be supervised physically or using AI.

In some cases the sissies could be self supervised. With a first girl or maid temporarily appointed to keep track of the maids as they worked. She would be summoned at the end of the day for her report and any imperfection punished, she would be punished too, but would never dare try to conceal anything from her owner. Or Mistress might employ a house Miss or Ms to supervise the sissies they would of course be allowed expected to punish the sissies physically. In some cases where the Mistress had a dominant/submissive relationship with the Miss. The Miss might be dressed as a maid but be quite obviously the head maid or even maids, compared to the sissy maids. In some cases the sissies might also be expected to serve the female maids intimately. In some cases just pegging but also maybe more rarely cunnilingus too. In all cases the sissymaids would be subject to corporal punishment.

In some household the sissies would be restricted to manual & menial housework & chores suitable for

their status. In other households sissies might be taught to cook and expected to cook and prepare delicious and excellently presented dishes. In most cases though sissies role in the kitchen was menial, peeling and washing food and pots, dishes etc, supervised by a professional kitchen head and chef. The chef usually female would be quite vanilla but would come to appreciate and enjoy the service of the sweet obedient sissies and punishing them or sending them to be punished if that service fell short of even the tiniest of expectations. 

Of course the sissies wouldn’t allowed to chat or gossip while they were busy with their chores and sometimes would be kept cock gagged. But they might also be expected to talk breathlessly while they worked. About how much they loved their chores and pleasing Mistress. How much they deserved and loved being kept in chastity and plugged. How corporal punishment was painful and fearful but perfect for sissies and how much they loved being kept under perfect discipline. If as most were being force femmed how much they loved the pretty uniforms and dresses. And for forced bi how much they loved sucking Sirs cock and swallowing His cum obediently. How they loved struggling utterly futilely as He bent them over and spreading and splitting their tight little bottoms. No matter how shamed and reluctant they were. Being expected to repeat, elaborate and emphasize these little phrases. Until they were helplessly hot with shame and with both sexual arousal and sexual fear for their owners exploitation and pleasure. At this point Mistress or Master might come into where the sissies were working and instruct them to hurry up and work quietly. One or more sissy might be punished. Then leaving them to work in a hot state of sex and fear, totally vulnerable and lovely.

Mistress came over and inspected the sheets, pressing and running Her fingertip across the sheen.

“Crease free &  adequate for today sissy, no need for my canes this evening.”

“Yes Miss, thank You Miss.” 

I gulped in fright at the mention of Her canes and curtsied. I so hoped to be allowed to please Her on that bed tonight.

“You may kneel and kiss my bottom sissy”

“Yes Miss, thank You Miss.” I whispered so hotly kneeling behind Her and kissing Her on both cheeks then intimately between Her cheeks. Hotly but respectfully. She wriggled Her bottom then with a sigh and a self satisfied giggle twisted round, around on my face so She was facing me but obviously looking down at me. Then She pushed me down onto the bed and sat on my face, grinding on my tongue and lips till She climaxed loudly.

“Change the sheets sissy.” She told me as She slipped off me, off the bed and into the shower.

“Yes Miss, thank You Miss.” I was so desperately hot now.

I dried Her when She got out of the shower.

She inspected the sheets again and declared Herself satisfied.

“You may dress me now sissy.”

“Ohh Miss, Yes Miss, thank You Miss.”

“I am going out with my friends sissy, I will most likely not be back till tomorrow afternoon sissy.”

“Yes Miss, thank You Miss.” I was nearly in tears

“But my boyfriend is coming over tonight.”

“Yes Miss, thank You Miss.”

“He was quite horny this afternoon, so I didn’t want to disappoint Him, and you will be a good sissymaid for Him wont you sissy ?”

“Yes Miss, thank You Miss.”  I said feeling very emasculated & vulnerable now.

“I told Him how excited you were this morning so He is sure to give you a good spanking sissy as always sissy.”

“Yes Miss, thank You Miss.”

“And lots of lip gloss so He sees you in terms of pleasure too sissy.”

“Yes Miss, thank You Miss.”

“You will squirm nicely for Him wont you sissy.”

“Yes Miss, thank You Miss.” I whispered already feeling His hands fondling and groping me.

She went to the loo again as if to remind me how swollen and squirmy I was already.

I helped Mistress dress in a lovely silk slip evening dress, She was only going out with Her friends but

always liked to dress sexily, and in case She never knew what might happen. I knew that that She would often enjoy one of the sissies in the club. That made me feel so jealous and full of feeble sissy pique, or She might go back with one of Her friends, Mistress was quite happily bi.

Often She wore this dress without panties but tonight She had a special pair that were so fine and lovely they were like wearing none. I kissed Her lingeringly on the bottom so wanting Her to change Her mind but knowing She wouldn’t.

Then She left me kneeling facing the wall while She finished applying Her makeup.

“Oh sissy, after Sir has enjoyed your little ass,  if you cant sleep and are feeling very excited in the night you can beg Sir to let you suck His cock again.”

Mistress teased me, knowing that Her boyfriends often woke me in the night or fellatio.

“That will help Him relax wont it sissy.”

“Yes Miss, thank You Miss.”

“Though He might spank you again for being so needy and naughty sissy.”

“Yes Miss, thank You Miss.”

“But you will deserve that wont you sissy.”

“Yes Miss, thank You Miss.”

Mistress taxi arrived and I curtsied and kissed Her bottom. She locked me in the cuff set and left me kneeling facing the wall in Her bedroom. She had recently had  a short thick leather curtain installed here that could be buckled shut. Just like the slave alcoves in your favourite stories sissy. Mistress sometimes like to send me to kneel here if She was with Her lover in the bedroom. Though more often She liked me to busy ironing Her panties or Her other most intimate lingerie.

Mistress had told me that Her friend Miss often charged some of Her male friends to fuck Her sissy. She would often take Her sissy out to arrange such liaisons, Her sissy had  a tiny little handbag that they would put the money into and then hand over to Miss. Sissy wasn’t allowed to open or look inside the little valise naturally. Although the physical money was symbolic, nobody uses cash anymore, it was indicative of how much He had really paid to and enjoyed Her service, so if the amount was unsatisfactory sissy would be punished.


Mistress pushed a pair of Her panties into my mouth and patted my bottom and then closed the curtain and turned the light off, leaving me kneeling in the darkness. Her boyfriend would most likely be an hour or so yet. The curtained recess was stuffy and combined with the strong smell of the leather, reeked of sex and fear.

Although I barely dared admit it to myself I was aching to please Sir to look up at Him as I obediently sucked His cock, swallowed His cum. Though I still felt totally humiliated and emasculated when He bent me over and fucked me. Likewise when Mistress pegged me, I was so nearly in orgasm thinking about it, nearly feeling Him throbbing and cumming inside me.

In the darkness I  squirmed and squelched totally vulnerable and helpless, waiting for Sir.   


Tuesday 18 June 2024

Sissy and Mistress, Masters utopian fantasies


And very  profitably the Dominant & submissive Second Life servers (not to be confused with the game orientated SL) where people could upload their
consciousness, or at least its algorithm  to be fully immersed in a fantasy environment. And highly controversially  after death, live on in this virtual world. No one really understood properly if this was really consciousness, but this most lucrative feature of Jorgetown is experienced as completely tangible and feels totally real to its participants. And as long as the servers are funded you might live forever. There are lots of servers for a multitude/multiverse even of scenes, vanilla and otherwise. The  Jorgetown SL servers are only for the Mistress, Master, Sir & sissy lifestyle. But because they invented and patented the software and host many of the umbrella servers for a vast variety of scenes, the money just keeps rolling in waves much like Mistresses multiple orgasms.

There is huge population of sissies who are eager, quite fervently so, to sign up to stringent

rules and asset obligations to join. And in doing so also unwittingly sign up to hand over all these assets at death, completely to their online owners & the SL servers. SL superiors are completely free to come and go as they choose, the sissies are not allowed any volition. Sissies and possible submissives needed to think very carefully before committing to this because the commitment was 100% and could not be backtracked on. Many sissies joined out of curiosity and for a bit of fun, long before death or even middle age  before realizing,  they had effectively sold their ‘souls’ to their superiors heaven. As a sissy you should be very careful what you wish for. 

The superiors will have large harems and households of sissies to serve them obediently, just as it should be. Many sissies and submissives have confused sexual urges and many have harem fantasies where they are the owner and beneficiary of the lovely captives. However the SL algorithms will reverse that for the

sissy and she will find herself one of the seraglio captives, serving a very strict and obdurate Master or Mistress.

Depending on the superiors preference some of the sissies will remain effeminate sissies in permanent chastity. And some of the sissies will be transformed in hot female bimbo’s. Clearly distinct from Mistresses but with a full female sensually curved anatomy. The sissy just before transformation will be brought to the very edge of orgasmic need. Similar to the first time She expected to cum but was milked so humiliatingly instead but multiply that immensely. Then she finds her little flaccid penis/clitty completely gone, but She is still forever desperately aroused with no means of release.
The sissies who become bimbos often will have a crafted backstory, remembered emotionally deliriously rather than real. A story drafted and melted together from lots of different themed bondage scenarios. often from Sci-Fi books where women are sex slaves. she might remember being captured, kidnapped in the night. Or being tricked into sexual slavery or prostitution. Or having scorned a lover suddenly finding herself a helpless slave girl at his feet. Captured when an ancient city fell to a siege, and the women were led away as booty. Or traded on desert caravans, maybe raided and stolen several times. Before finding herself at auction, sold branded and owned by her Master. these and many more swirling around in her memories. 

Rather than the formal strict sissy maid uniforms, no matter how lovely they are with organza chiffon  and lace, that must be kept so perfectly clean and neat no matter how arduous and exacting Her chores. Bimbos will often be clad in the most flimsy of lingerie, sometimes just naked and aproned.

The pleasure silk, not to be confused with real silk garments enjoyed by superiors, will be nearly completely glossy and transparent too. The glassy diaphanous fabric feeling so tight and constrictive but giving her no modesty or support. She fill feel like Her breasts and belled nipples will fall out any moment from the sticky sensuous fabric. She will not usually be permitted panties for her daily chores, she will be allowed panties only if Master intends to order her to remove them, or strip them from her to gag her for punishment or His pleasure. The lingerie and garmenture she is permitted will be the type of fabric and style that no real woman even a harlot or the lowest prostitute would ever choose to be seen in.

Often the bimbo harem slaves will be kept veiled too in tight tiny mouth veils. Of the same pleasure silk fabric that continuously slips in her lips, maddeningly sensuous and constantly catching her breath as she hurries about her chores. After fellatio or cunnilingus this veil will be soaked with Masters or Mistresses pleasure, for the sissy bimbo to taste and smell as she is dismissed to her chores.  Sometimes the bimbo will perform their chores nude but veiled for modesty 

It is highly sensuous and enjoyable to be sucked or licked through such fabric. It is also very pleasing to fondle the bimbo’s curves  through pleasure silk. Your fingers gliding over her loveliness, the fabric feeling like a warm and wet gloss. For her the sensation is maddening and distracting, like being more nude and exposed than being naked.

She will have a fully functioning female body capable of climax, but when She does climax

instead of wave after wave of orgasmic bliss. 
When He cums she will experience wave after wave of total submission to her Masters sexual pleasure. She will feel herself melting around His throbbing cock, weak and feeble in his arms as He spasms with pleasure. Often she will be cuffed, but sometimes she may not be and she will cling to him utterly powerless under His command. Often she will be gagged with her panties sobbing and moaning with need and surrender to Him. 

Totally overwhelmed and utterly undone and dominated  she will cling helplessly in His arms impaled on  His cock as it throbs and spurts with His pleasure. When He is finished, she lifted off Him & will be told to fetch Him a refreshing drink then to lick Him clean. Totally overcome and subjugated She will clean Him so lovingly and needy hoping desperately to prolong the moment, the proximity to His pleasure, as if to somehow cling even just a tiny glimpse of His magnificent dominance.

But then and when He and only He is satisfied she will be dismissed in tears, back to Her menial housework, with the other aproned harem bimbos. Often with a loud hard slap on her bare bottom. And often gagged with her own arousal soaked panties. She will be gagged with these panties for a spanking or cropping, Master will keep His bimbos under a strict, perfect rectitude, and painful discipline. Gagged with her panties for sex and just to silence and humiliate her when it pleases Him to. 

No matter how much she aches not to be dismissed, how utterly humiliated and used she feels

to be dismissed after sex. She will be so turned on grateful that He or Mistress is so very strong with her. She will ache and simmer to serve over and over again. Watching them sometimes  in tears,  hands in shaped tiny week fists, such feeble pique, is just so pleasant.   

Often it is said that sissies and bimbos are so lovely it can be difficult to remain strong with them, but after a short time it does become natural and even more satisfying.

This is not cruelty, sissy craves this as much as it pleases you. Whether she consciously realizes or accepts this or not. And even if she doesn't she is only a sissy to do as she is told.   

The same panties that she will polish and clean with. Sometimes kneeling on the marble hard floor, her wrists in cuffs behind her polishing the stones and tiles with Her panties held in her mouth. Her clitoris also ringed belled ringing out behind her as she works. Often there will be a couple of worthless little coin hanging from the clitoris ring. One indicating that she is to be bought and sold. the other indicating her current owners initials or symbol. Sometimes her belled nipples will have these coins too and sometimes if the nipples are joined by a chain, the coins will hang on there too. 

The same during fellatio or if the bimbo is owned by a Mistress for cunnilingus or pegging. 

The bimbo will feel wave after wave of complete near but never climaxing, orgasmic submission as her superior orgasms or cums. And it will so enjoyable and so perfect to dismiss her in helpless tears after you are satisfied. Just like it is today sending sissy to hand wash your panties after you have climaxed on Her tongue, or having sissy kneel at a Masters feet polishing His shoes with Her panties after He is finished.   
Of course if she is dismissed in tears she will ache to kneel at His feet and polish His shoes, with her panties, never permitted to raise her eyes above his waist, then be dismissed in tears. And if she polishes his shoes she will feel intense humiliation of being so intimately used and so menial.
That is why it is so satisfying to send her to hand wash your panties individually after cunnilingus. The warm wet panties she so loving removed to kiss you perfectly. Now as you relax in post orgasmic bliss, she is hand washing your panties. A chore so menial yet so intimate and performed so lovingly, as is her ironing and folding the panties later.

Her chores, much like today, will be performed in a state of erotically charged perpetual fluster

and breathless panic. Desperate to work perfectly and eagerly and also to be always seen to be doing so fervently. In a state of delicious sexual and domestic vulnerability. Delicious for her owners that is. Much like today when a Mistress, Master or any superior enters a room where sissy is working or inspects her dutifulness, There will be a palpable frisson of choked fright in the air. an erotically charged delightful hint of, a taste  an aroma of a sissy cleaned room.  But immeasurably enhanced and multiplied by the SL algorithms.

How pleasurable it will be to stroll casually through rooms and corridors where sissies or bimbos might be desperately buffing and sparkling everything and every surface. And often on all fours cleaning and polishing the floors. And feel that wave of submissive fright as you pass the sissies curtsying or looking up from all fours, always smiling gratefully for your presence. Each whispering desperate and quite pathetic solicitations as you pass. Usually you will feign to ignore and disregard them as you pass. And soon it will be natural to treat them this way, they are for your pleasure and convenience not their own so pathetically displayed needs. Sometimes you might stop and crop one or two of them, for the slightest of reasons or often for no particular reason. The sissy or bimbo will squeal and sob with fear and pain but thank you so helplessly before hurrying back to her chores. As you walk on. And all of the maids will be so grateful that it wasn’t them this time, but also so aroused too and wishing it had been them. So pathetic and needy are their hot little desires.

As you walk by you be so glad to be a superior to be served so perfectly by the lovely

subjugated maids, and not to be one of them. Secure in the knowledge that their former assets and trust funds, well managed and invested are funding this luxurious environment for your every pleasure. And the sissies or bimbos when you tire of them can be disposed off, sold or traded, replaced from scores and hundreds of available maids.  

Though it would be cruel to make sissy anxious about this and actually illegal to terminate a consciousness  algorithm (no matter what its metaphysical status really is). Sissy are should always be aware somehow that she is totally dependent on your decisions, your every whim and fancy.

One of the games superiors like to play with other in SL is to try trick each other into becoming submissive. The Master becomes a sissy, the Mistress one of the bimbos and having them serve as such. However these are only temporary games as it is improper to trick another equal into coerced submission for more than a few fun filled hours. Not so with sissies the pleasure in owning maids both sissies and bimbos is that they signed up willingly to unemancipated sexual servants in this scene. And although they may not have ever imagined how deep and total their subjugation would be. it is so enjoyable to push and cajole them slowly or not so slowly into what they secretly wished for, even if they didn't know it.  

For the superior participants every instant of pleasure can seem like endless hours of blissful
satisfaction. Free to leave and dip  in and rejoin at any  time  He or She chooses. Equally for the powerless sissymaid every minute of submission domestic and sexual will feel like years of loving helpless obedience.

Thank you Mistress, thank you Master, curtsy




 Lots of delightful hot ideas here too.

Sunday 9 June 2024

An older stricter Mistress visits

Mistress had visitors this afternoon. Miss, & Ms who quite frankly terrified me every time She visited Mistress. She was a slightly older lady than Mistress & Miss, but still very beautiful and She had an air about Her that commanded respect, even Mistress and Miss were slightly deferential to Her, very slightly though. She always wore very stern looking leather skirts, very well fitted and very sexy, but also somehow very businesslike. With matching knee high boots and usually with an equally well fitted leather jacket. Today She combined the skirt with a thin silk blouse, with a black lace bra faintly but clearly visible underneath. Mistress by contrast favoured mini skirts or leather shorts this summer, and Miss liked A line mini skirts or sexy leggings, wet look or Her new favourite matt look legging.

Also Ms carried Her own sissy crop. It was well used and worn. The black leather had browned in certain places and the outline of the internal rod was visible. Just glancing at it made me frightened. Ms caught my look and and said to Mistress so I could hear,

“Your own crop will be as well worn as my own soon, loved and feared.”

“Thank you”

“I’m sure it will be.”

“Loved by you and justifiably feared by sissy.”

“The leather smell infused with the aroma and taste of sex and fear.”

"Yes quite.”

Mistress as a rule didn’t permit other ladies to punish me, though Miss being Her best friend,

had assisted in my fellatio training with the crop. Refining my  perfect intimate kiss. Obedient, submissive and always showing fervent enthusiasm  to please Him. My  service was to excite and satisfy Him and elicit His desire to enjoy my mouth again whenever He visited. The sting and smarting aftermath of the leather on my bottom and the backs of my thighs, especially on that most tender space where my thighs met the buttocks, ensured that I always associated Sirs or Mistress pleasure with discipline and punishment. It was a few days before both ladies and Sir were satisfied with my progress so far. Though I was still to excel at fellatio and strive to make this BJ the very best He had ever had while making the next that much more satisfying for Him. And that I always desperately hoped to be seen by my superiors in terms of their pleasure rather than punishment.

Though this would would be relaxed for Ms as both Mistress & Miss saw Her as a mentor figure. 

I was still always spanked or paddled, sometimes caned before fellatio. Mistress insisted and the Men enjoyed putting me under their command physically too. There was a great deal of satisfaction to seeing my very pale peachy bottom redden under His hard loud slaps.

The first thing Ms did was introduce to Mistress & Miss a new trigger for my auto suggestion routine, for my dildo plug. These were very cleverly done spoken by Mistress but never consciously heard by me, but with immediate effect, and they could also be triggered remotely. Mistress would often slowly but gradually increase the experienced size of the plug in the afternoon as She was on the way home. I wouldn't be aware of this just the sense of squirming and squelching in the late afternoon, waiting lovingly desperately for Mistress to return home.

Sometimes she would increase it just to tease me, and decide to go out with her friends or boyfriend after work. Naturally I was expected to just continue with my housework obediently until Her return and if it was all done, to start again. Ironing Mistresses underwear nightwear and bedsheets would be repeated, as was polishing Her shoes and boots Her leather skirts and jackets. So that the leather shined like patent leather for Her. But also general housework brushing and polishing the floors and furniture.

Eventually if She wasn't planning on coming home that evening, She would call or one of her friends would and video supervise my evening toileting and enema. My make up, nail & hair care routines before sending me to bed. Mostly to my own bed but sometimes I would be sent to sleep in Hers, which made me ache and long for Her presence that much more.     

The phallic plug was a firm, straight  10” and uncomfortably ample in width, relentlessly impossible to forget for longer than a few moments my penetration. The infused silicon and estrogen in the rubber fleshy exterior, combined with the lubes, kept my bottom feeling very tight and very deeply invaded, penetrated. Even at its normal 10” size I felt like I could feel it throbbing and pulsing inside me. The clever design made me feel like a huge pair of balls were attached to the plug even though none were present. I couldn’t help but grind and squelch on the plug constantly as I went about my daily chores. I felt like I was constantly on the edge of arousal & on the verge of cumming which I was never permitted to do. And the constantly need to pee, which I was only permitted twice per day under strict supervision. Mistress sometimes cancelled my morning or evening pee for punishment, on a whim, or sometimes She would say She had forgotten and it was too late or inconvenient for Her now. Sometimes She would make me wait till one of Her boyfriends was round and He would supervise my sitting on the loo to pee.

The dildo plug  made me feel constantly invaded and vulnerable, Mistress said it was perfect and a perfect way to keep sissy. But with a silent, imperceptible to me at least mental trigger it could be made to feel even larger, when orally serving one of the Sirs, for punishment or at its largest when serving Mistress intimately. Mistress often liked to keep it at near maximum if She was spending a quiet evening at home as I attended Her.

Ms was always innovating in sissy husbandry, in the technical sense of the word, and was always trying out new techniques in sissy subjugation and control. For the dildo plug She introduced  a new setting She had been enjoying with Her own sissies. The setting or auto suggestion made the the phallic plug  feel like it was even more swollen inside me than it had ever felt. And constantly like the huge cock  was pushing and lifting me on to my tiptoes. It felt like I was about to split or burst around it  at any moment and  I minced  even more desperately and sweetly in their eyes as I hurried breathlessly to serve the 3 ladies. Gulping and gasping so full, so implacably impaled. If I had been allowed to cum I think I would probably have involuntarily spurted with each tiny step I took. But I was not allowed that.

Mistress was quite delighted with the effect, as was Miss. The ladies delighted in making me rush and hurry more for them this afternoon, sending me back and forth for the tiniest of things and watching me curtsy squelching on the plug.

I could tell that both Mistress and Miss were quite aroused by this display. But Ms was just quite cool and amused. She was very experienced and subsequently enjoyed being extremely strict with Her sissies. She favoured the crop and a short bullwhip type whip rather than canes and liked to use a Kali’s teeth, Iron Maiden style attachment inside Her sissies chastity devices. The inward row of teeth punished even the tiniest un permitted swelling, for  Her sissies. For punishment or just for Her amusement, and always when sissy was pleasuring Her. Thankfully only a few Mistresses employed these teeth. Ms delighted in showing me pictures of the device though an watching me squirm at the row upon row of plastic teeth.

Telling me how pleasurable it would be to fuck my tight little ass with a nice big strap on while I was

locked in the embrace of the teeth. I always felt like I grew even smaller when being penetrated am constantly surprised to find myself swollen, but still flaccid and tiny in my cage after a pegging, or a fucking. Just as I am surprised if I have a tiny leak of weak precum (if you can call the thin weak mess that, for sissies) in my panties. Usually you don’t notice the leak as your panties are thick and full of lube or Sirs sticky cum. Ms is very strict about these inappropriate leaks. At least six with the crop for the transgression, 6 for disobedience and six for disrespect, and maybe 6 or 12 more just because She feels like it.

Ms is very strict and severe with Her sissies, they are there to fear and obey Her, and to love Her totally. She may reciprocate  occasionally but always and only ever on Her terms. Ms owns several sissymaids and has owned several maids who were discarded and replaced when She tired of them.

Or perhaps kneeling between Her thighs, pleasuring Her in horrid pain as your tiny clit swells into the tows of teeth. Never daring to skip a beat with your tongue for Her pleasure. I always feel very aware of my swelling when I perform cunnilingus, and more recently fellatio.

Wouldn’t that be perfect sissy serving your Mistress so perfectly and kept so small and constrained by the sharp teeth. She asked coolly.

“Yes Ms thank You Ms.” I curtsied, feeling very anxious

“Look how pathetic they are paling and trembling with fright at a tiny little row of sharp  teeth on their pathetic clitties.” She said Mistress and Miss laughed

“Yes Ms thank You Ms.” I curtsied again.

 “Hurry and fetch me another wine sissy.”

“Yes Ms thank You Ms.” I curtsied and hurried to fetch Ms another wine.

Then I rushed to fetch Mistress and Miss drinks.

The 3 ladies were talking about Ms first sissy. Who had originally been Her husband. As Her career

blossomed and Her husbands hit a plateau. They had both become jaded sexually and started to experiment with mild bondage and bdsm. Ms found She enjoyed giving much more than receiving, and he was  ambivalent at the time. Over time the roleplay was always Her in the dominant role. Ms was now earning considerably more than him and suggested His career take a backseat. Next She had Him locked in chastity temporarily with occasional timed releases. Which gradually became more infrequent. Then She started to feminize him slowly but steadily. Then She suggested he stay at home and do the housework for Her, and although initially reluctant he eventually agreed to be Her full time sissymaid. He was now she (lower case of course). Chastity became very strict and sissy was only now milked. She was kept plugged and well caned. Hormones and surgery to reduce bone and muscle mass followed. Then sissy became a cuckold, and forced bi followed. The procedures continued until sissy was now a slender pretty little thing as popular with Ms’s boyfriends as Ms was. At least her mouth and ass were.

Around this time the Jorgetown movement was gaining momentum amongst upper middle class professional women who were also sexually dominant. It was a social movement quite unique in that by contractual agreement it de-emancipated sissies, legally. Once a self defined sissy and prospective owner, signed her contract sissy was reduced to the status of an 17th century wife, that of chattel. All her rights were  irrevocably removed and She was put in the custody of her new owner, Her Mistress or Master. Several challenge attempts were made to this and conditions were only made stricter for sissies. Chastity, plugging, forced bi, and forced hormones and feminization treatments were allowed, as long as they were theoretically reversible. Even gelding, or the snip as it was called as long as both parties explicitly agreed, sissies were usually emotionally browbeaten and coerced into this by their  owners. Corrective discipline and corporal punishment was allowed and even approved of by the courts. A sissy who ran away could and should be returned to her legal guardian or owner.

Sissies were allowed to be put into forced/coerced employment in the  menial domestic service sectors, when their superiors chose. And sissy was paid but not allowed to keep any of the money that went straight to their owner. Though legally a payslip had to be given, this was symbolic and given in a sealed envelope only to be opened by sissies owner. As part of this employment in the service sector in clubs and waitressing in cafes frequented by superiors, intimate services were also to be performed and sissy prostitution was  legal, within public health limitations, and as long as taxes were paid on

the profits for pimping them. Around this time severe restrictions were placed on normal prostitution and the practice became prohibitively expensive. Extremely effeminized and feminized sissy prostitutes, while not inexpensive were considerably less so. And sissies were expected to be totally obedient and pleasing so became popular, especially with groups and parties, strip and lap dancing clubs where the men would get excited by the strippers and want a bj or to fuck a sissy.        

Then as time went on Ms had become bored with Her sissy and decided She wanted another sissy maid. Discarded sissies were given the choice of returning to vanilla life or being passed to another owner. In practice it was very difficult legally and financially to return to vanilla life. All your assets had been transferred to Mistress or Master and the superior still retained them, as well being the legal custodian of the inferior party. Sissies who had been owned were too subjugated emotionally and dependent to contemplate independence. So in practice sissies were just sold. Often kept in clubs or hotels as waitresses and chambermaids, serving the guests domestically as well as sexually, until auctions were held. Often these private auctions involved around 10 sissies to be sold and the prospective owners would examine and fondle, grope and feel their prospective new possession very freely. Sissy would be under no illusion that she was anything other than chattel to be sold. And after that first transfer and or sale, sissy would never again have the option of returning to her former vanilla life. 

Of course Ms moved on and had a very satisfactory new sissymaid, till She bored of that one too. And then She had a little household of submissive maids, who were regularly rotated and replaced.

Ms and Her cohort of pioneers were instrumental in advocating and bringing about the enactment of this legal framework for superior and sissy. They also established the small coastal province of Jorgetown where the free citizens Mistresses along with a few select Masters could live the lifestyle totally served by sissies. Who were not citizens but the possessions of their Mistresses or Masters. 

Most of the residents were very and independently wealthy, but there was also a thriving resort town where dominants could come and say in expensive hotels and facilities to enjoy the service and services especially intimately of the sissies, where lots of money was to be made.


And most profitably the Dominant & submissive Second Life servers where people could upload their

consciousness, or at least its algorithm  to after death and live on in the virtual world. No one really understood properly if this was really consciousness, but this most lucrative feature of Jorgetown is experienced as completely tangible and feels totally real to its participants. And as long as the servers are funded you might live forever. The Jorgetown SL servers are only for the Mistress, Master, Sir & sissy lifestyle. But there is huge population of sissies who have to hand over all their assets to join and is thus very profitable to the servers owners. SL superiors are free to come and go as they choose, the sissies are not. Sissies and possible submissives needed to think very carefully before committing to this because the commitment was 100% and could not be backtracked on. Many sissies joined out of curiosity and for a bit of fun, long before death or even middle age  before realizing,  they had effectively sold their ‘souls’ to their superiors heaven. As a sissy you should be very careful what you wish for.   

The superiors will have large harems and households of sissies to serve them obediently, just as it should be.

The three ladies were laughing and enjoying watching me mince about and curtsy impaled as it were on
the plug. Ms stood me in front of Her and told me and the other ladies about Her original sissy. Who

was now owned by a Master as part of His harem of maids. They all served Him in lurid pastel pink latex uniforms with white latex tights, matching pink panties and maids booties. And the Master had chosen all the sissies because originally their subjection to serving Men was forced bi, but now all His sissies ached and competed jealously to serve His every lust filled desire. Ms often visited the Master as they were good friends but never spoke to Her former sissy except to curtly instruct her to fetch drinks or suchlike. And whenever She did visit She always took Her former boyfriend with Her. The Man who She had originally cuckolded sissy with. 

Sir was the Man who’s cum sissy had first cleaned from Ms’s panties. Ms had handed Her sissy, who She still at that point referred to mainly as he a little bundle of Her panties. The first pair sissy opened were soiled with cum and silly sissy had dared to ask about it.

‘Am I supposed to answer to you sissy?.”

“Or to hide my own panties when I come home from one of my dates?.”

“Or to clean my own underwear sissy?.” She had demanded angrily.

Sissy  was sent for the thick bamboo cane that Ms favoured at the time. Ms had gagged sissy with another pair of cum soilerd panties that were still damp and sticky. After the severe beating sissy was told to get on with hand laundering the panties and the rest of her chores. Ms didn’t speak to sissy except to curtly instruct her service for the rest of the day and for the next few days. Ms had gone out every night that week clearly dressed up and on dates and sissy had been given lots of evidently used panties to wash when She returned.

Then at the weekend Ms had announced that sissy was forgiven Her impudent disrespect. Ms showed sissy some photos of Ms with Her lover, although His face wasn’t visible. Ms was enjoying performing fellatio and maybe anal with Her lover. Which  She had never done for sissy when he was Her husband. In fact the pictures were faked, as Ms hadn’t given a BJ since She was a teenager, and never icky anal, but that doesn’t really matter.

Sissy was squirming with hot excitement when Ms announced She had a present for sissy, a

smaller chastity cage, about half size with a longer urethral tube the device also enclosed sissies tiny now unused & redundant plums.

Ms had used an ice pack to chill sissy then swapped the devices over. It would be the last downsize, far from it. Sissy was then allowed to look at the photos of Ms and Her lover again before performing cunnilingus and then returning to her chores. Sissy had long since been disallowed cumming but She had been expecting a milking, this was postponed as Ms would be going out, quite regularly now.

And then this was the first boyfriend who’s sticky creampie sissy had licked clean and swallowed from Ms after She had been out having sex with Her lover. Ms had teasingly asked if sissy recognized the taste of His cum. This was the lover who started soon after to come over for the evening and night. Sissy would be busy with housework while the lovers frolicked in the bedroom. Sissy would bring drinks and change the bedsheets while the couple cavorted and belittled sissy in Her effeminate maids attire.

And this was the Man who had originally popped both sissies oral and then a few weeks later her anal cherry, so long ago now. Sir had actually been reluctant and hesitant, though obviously as much a sissy. But sissy had been practicing every day on a dildo and on Ms’s strap on. And with the hormones, treatments and diet regime, she was now quite passable & pretty. The now tiny locked pink cage helped too and the fellatio was actually very enjoyable. Watching sissy swallow obediently and thank Him sealed the deal. And Sir looked forward to lowering sissies pink satin panties not just to spank and humiliate her before fellatio. But to splitting sissies legs and her ass.

He was actually unusually well built and well endowed too. A bit more so than Ms liked. But

He was the first man She had fucked outside of the marriage, and She had been turned on by the very large bulge in His pants, every time He spoke to Her.

Long after She and He had ceased their sexual liaisons, and She had new lovers. She still invited Him round for drinks and to fuck sissy as a special humiliation, the cunnilingus was always just so good afterwards. Though Ms was now part of the active scene and lots of Her friends brought their boyfriends round to enjoy sissies mouth and ass.

Ms had gone though an experimental stage of taking sissy out with Her to the local trans scene. And parading and then pimping out sissy, to the Men who enjoyed such things. The money sissy earned, her tips paid for drinks, food and the taxi home and more. More for amusement and humiliation than financial gain at this stage. While these events were not strictly Mistress and sissy, most of the femme trans girls liked to at least be submissive for sex, however Ms soon met a group of like minded dominant ladies who would meet up regularly for these  events, bringing their own sissies out to suck and be fucked. Ms had briefly toyed with the idea of allowing sissy to experience anal orgasms, like some of the Mistresses allowed their sissies at this time. One delightful variant on this was triggering sissies powerful anal orgasm while a real man was coming in her mouth, watching Her gag and splutter whilst squelching in hot shame. But Ms did not enjoy or see any value to herself in permitting this for Her own sissy and in any case while She had nothing against trans girls enjoying sex. Sissy maids should be kept in chastity, so they constanly ache to please their superior. A lot of the Men on the scene were also quite vulgar and boorish too. So Her flirtation with this particular scene was quite brief. And Ms and other like minded ladies had moved on to formulate and create something much more serious and formal in the Jorgetown idea. 

Sissy obviously knew this and was expected to be extra obedient to this particular Sir. Her new Master often instructed sissy to attend to Him personally whenever He visited and to sit on His lap submissively if Sir wanted her to. He always spanked sissy so hard too, with His large very solid palms.

“Oh and Hes coming round this afternoon so you can serve Him too sissy.”

“Yes Ms, thank You Ms.” I curtsied, squirming on my plug, He was so very big, & not just because of the auto suggestion.

“So lots of slutty lip gloss sissy, so His big cock slides in and out of your hot little mouth easily.”

“Yes Ms, thank You Ms.” I curtsied knowing that He always cums lots too and liked to spurt all over my face too. Mistress always punished me if one of Her guests blew in my face, rather than me keeping it all in my lips.

The three ladies were drinking wine chatting and laughing in mocking scandalized tones about Master and His harem of sissies. How when the sissies had thought of themselves as entitled males always pestered for BJ’s and for anal. Ms had sometimes teased and hinted but had never indulged him. Now she (sissy) gets lots of oral sex giving lots of sticky blow jobs on Her knees that is. And lots of anal sex, receiving that is. And how pathetic little boys always obsessed about  women  swallowing after fellatio, now sissy always swallows and says thank you like a good little bimbo. Sissies should be very careful what they wish for.

Their little mascara lined eyes so wide, always surprised  when Sirs throbbing cock  bursts in their mouth, eyelashes fluttering as Sir blows all over their faces. The hot shame on their faces, their tears when Sir cums so powerfully in their tight asses. There is often a mirrored surface near the bed or bench so that Sir can see sissies face as He fucks Her and sissy can see Sir behind her and her own face. Sissy is nearly always cuffed and gagged with a pair of panties or a cock gag.

How they always pestered and fantasized about threesomes. Imagining themselves with 2

female partners. Some sissies now get regular threesomes, spit roasted and fucked by two strong very well endowed Men. Fucking them till the real Men  are spent and satisfied leaving sissy is full and covered with their cum. To clean up and fetch her superiors refreshing cold drinks. Or kneeling  performing fellatio for Master with another sissy. Kissing His cock and each others glossy lips around Sirs manhood till He cums or seizes one of them by the nape of Her hair to deep throat sissy.

 how enjoyable it is pegging sissy. Coming home from work knowing you will find sissy in chastity always so helplessly aroused and excited. That look on her face when you send Her mincing and hurrying to fetch your latest favourite massive strap on. And fucking her till you orgasm, as she squirms desperately and needy in her locked chastity. Then sending Her back to Her chores. And the so heavenly cunnilingus and the powerful wave after wave of climax. Knowing that sissy will be just as attentive, loving and obedient, more so after your orgasm.

How in the not so distant past, men, little boys, like he, would not really have been bothered if his lover orgasms or not. Not really known or cared much to learn where Her clitoris or pleasure centre was. Know knew every inch of Her intimately and strove desperately to please Her. The roles reversed now She (Ms) for Her part did care if sissy came and kept sissy in chastity and forbid such nonsense for sissy.

After all would it improve sissies chores, her obedience, her attentiveness, her loving submission, her hot little tongue ?. It would not and furthermore it was enjoyable and satisfying to orgasm knowing that sissy would not and be concentrating on your own  sexual pleasure.    

Sissy should be very careful what she wishes for, because it is quite delicious to make her lie in the bed she so desperately thought she wanted.

She never allowed sissy to look up above Her belt line when She visited and never spoke to

sissy apart from to curtly instruct her fetch wine or service. S
issies are not usually allowed to look up above the belt line of their superiors unless specifically instructed to. It reinforces our sense of inferiority and especially our sexual inferiority.

Sissy was allowed to kiss Her bottom as usual in greeting, and between the cheeks too for extra intimate humiliation. But although both acknowledged their former relationship this was never spoken of or referred to. As her former sissy, she was nothing to her former Mistress and owner now except another serving sissymaid.  

Her own sissies at home were equally strictly treated & were rarely allowed to lift their gaze and  always had to refer to themselves in the third person. No ‘I’ or ‘me’, it was always ‘this sissy’ or 'your sissy'. And although the sissies were always very attentive loving and  obedient. Ms was always cool and supercilious with Her sissies. Their unrequited loving service was unreciprocated and expected as simply Her due, no matter how fond She was of Her pretty maids. She did also very much enjoy subtly playing favourites and encouraging the sissies to be jealous especially in their chastity and spikes. And also enjoyed patronizing and punishing Her sissies for their petty silly rivalries.

Ms also liked to use the humbler frequently on Her sissies. A short curved bar that locks around the balls and holds the bar against the backs the legs and balls  behind the captive. The wear is completely unable to stand or straighten up and it very humiliating. Its  a device more frequently used on the bdsm scene or for punishment. But as always it’s the superiors choice when and how often it is used.

When She was enjoying one of Her sissies in the nighttime, the other sissies would kneel facing the wall in the bedroom, behind a thick curtain that kept them in total darkness, but they could hear everything. They would usually be in cuffs and cock gagged too, dildo’s at maximum size. Often Ms locked all the other sissies in the humblers for the night also in cuffs and gagged face down on the floor humbler rearward. The pairs of tiny cherries looking quite swollen and sweet. She sometimes would cup them then slap them hard, or use a wide paddle, causing the sissies to squeal into their gags.

If Ms had a boyfriend over, He might check on the sissies and paddle them too before closing the curtain. They would squeal and cry out so loudly even on their massive cock gags in intense pain and humiliation. It made Ms so wet She laughed and Her boyfriend would be rock hard too. Though some boyfriends were occasionally a little bit squeamish about the whole thing.

Behind the curtain the sissies moan and whimper but very quietly, not daring to disturb  Ms and Her

boyfriend having sex. The sissies could hear each other and smell the intense reek of sex and hot clammy fear as they squirmed behind the thick curtain, till they were summoned to serve again or till morning. Ms did say She could sometimes just about hear the sissies squirming in pain as She fucked Her boyfriend which She found very arousing. Though occasionally She would draw back the curtain and punish the sissies too for their whimpers, which She found most enjoyable too. Ms sometimes enjoyed the humbler for cunnilingus sometimes for a pegging too, although the bar was sometimes in the way for Her. And often in the summer heat She would have Her sissies scrub and polish Her tiled floors in cuffs and holding cleaning implements, small brushes and panties for polishing in their mouths. On these more domestic occasions the sissies would wear panties over the device, which actually made it feel even more uncomfortable for the sissies. Sticky and distressing, but the cherries were very sweet pressed tight against the pink fabric and so tempting for the paddle. She did use Her crop too if She pleased but She found the flat hard paddle more satisfying for this purpose.

The humbler was enjoyable for all these moments, for Her rather than the sissies.   

Much like the kali teeth bracelet Mistress wasn’t really in favour of these devices for sissies as it gives too much attention and emphasis to a sissies cherries, which are redundant and sissy should just forget about them. But She was amused and also intrigued by Ms’s new auto conditioning routine that would make sissy experience the humbler without the physical devices.

Mistress was gradually introducing elements of sissy speak for me.
 With my breathlessly high squeaky effeminate voice, constantly emphasizing my inferior, objectified status. I was never allowed to use superiors names and always had to refer to myself as sissy in company, rather than I or me. In private Mistress sometimes liked to refer to me as sissyemily, or even very occasionally just as emily, as Mistress had named me. In public I always referred to Her as Mistress and Her friends as Miss or Ms, depending on their preference. Men as Sir or Master, also depending on theirs and Mistresses preference. In private Mistress was always Miss, emphasizing my domestic & intimate inferior status. I loved to call Her Miss and often found it quite sensuously and erotically confusing referring to Her visitors as Miss too. Much to everyones patronized amusement apart from mine, and I was often punished for being a little bit too excited. Mistress was often quite jealous with me, though I’m not sure of how much that was for display and naturally didn’t dare ever ask Her. Curiosity and especially curiosity about your superiors motivations is not becoming in a sissy.

Her boyfriend ex boyfriend now loved to fuck sissy and cum all over Her face knowing that Ms was

watching amused. The Master enjoyed it too. He had His own preferences too, not particularly innovative but in vogue at the moment. Having 2 sissies perform fellatio together. Both kissing and licking at His erection and ball together, taking turns to suck and bob their glossy lips on His glans. Their eyes up at Him submissively and into each others eyes wide and wet with shame. Joining together to kiss and suck Master glans and kissing each other as instructed. The sissies would be pressed together between His knees. Each feeling the others tiny chastity bulge pressing underneath their uniforms and apron. Though most Mistress find it a little vulgar, some Masters have the sissies chastity cage belled, or even sissies own tiny glans pierced for a bell. Though this wasn’t the case at the moment for His sissies. Also the strong hormones and treatments give sissies soft but pert tiny swelling breasts with often tender nipples. Not much of a cleavage but pretty nonetheless. Of course if the superior desires it sissy can be given implants for  anice cleavage too. But in this case the sweet swellings under latex uniforms was pretty enough. Especially swelling and squirming pressing against each other trying desperately to please Master.

Sucking licking and kissing each hoping that Master will be in her mouth when He spurts the first hot splash of precum. Sometimes He cannot hold himself much longer and cums immediately all over their faces filling their mouths with thick sticky pleasure. But usually both sissies will squirm and squelch, kissing and sucking. Each desperately hoping that it will the other sissy who Master deeps throat and forces sissy to overcome her gag reflex as He presses into her mouth with His huge cock. Every time sissy see an erect cock Her auto suggestion kicks in and She sees Him as huge, much thicker and longer than she thinks she will be able to suck let alone take all the way in so that His balls are on her face. But each sissy also desperate that it be her to take Him in her mouth. Choking so helplessly and sweetly on His shaft.   

And each hoping to not be the one He exploded in pleasure inside, choking on His thick cum as He continued to throb and spurt until, He was satisfied. But again each hoping desperately to be the one His pleasure burst inside. He would spurt and throb in thick streams until her mouth was full, then fill the other sissies pretty mouth also  and then continue to cum all over their faces and the front of their pink uniforms too. Eventually He would be done and they would kneel at His feet grinding and squelching on their enlarged dildo plugs looking up at Him submissively, choking on His sticky load,  waiting for permission to swallow.

Another sissy might be summoned to fetch Him a post fellatio drink, as a reward she might also get a small mouthful of cum. She might also lick Him clean and dry Him maybe with her apron or maybe her panties before closing His trousers, kissing His still semi erect bulge, looking up at him hopefully.

Then eventually the two sissies might be permitted to swallow in small effeminate gulps, thanking Him through sticky lips for being permitted top please Him, for being permitted to taste and swallow His manly cum and for being permitted to breath and speak, if only to thank Him again.

Then He might decide to take one of the sissies anally. All sissies squelch with vulnerable trepidation and alarm at just the thought of Sirs anal penetration. The humiliation and discomfort is so totally emasculating and demeaning. But each aches for it to be her nonetheless. Usually though with a harem of sissies to please Him the two sissies will simply be dismissed back to their chores.

Their faces and mouth still sticky, hurrying back to their chores desperately hoping to be seen to be hurrying obediently too. Sissies are so lovely flustered and in frightened eager compliance.

“Yes Master, thank You Master.” They blurt breathlessly in the submissive and squeaky voices of effeminate sissies, still appropriately low in volume and unobtrusive. Easily ignored by their superiors. Master may slap their bottoms as they hurry away, causing them to squeal and look over their shoulder coquettishly pouting, in fake completely powerless pique.   

Sissymaids not ever allowed to cum. They are for their superiors sexual pleasure, their own needs are disregarded and ignored only his desire is important. When Sir cums sissy swallows obediently

“Wouldn’t that be perfect for you sissy, kissing Sirs cock with another sissy aching to please Him?” Ms asked me.

“Oh Ms, yes it would Ms thank you Ms.” I whispered in shame and humiliation at the images in my head and curtsied.

“Look up at me when I am speaking to you sissy.” She said sharply

“Yes Ms thank You Ms.” I curtsied very frightened looking up into Her stern eyes.

“I think sissy is getting a little too excited, thinking about Sirs cock, isn’t that so sissy?.”

“Yes Ms sorry Ms, thank You Ms.” I curtsied my knees suddenly feeling so weak.

“Oh look at the little dear she is almost swooning.” I hear Miss laugh.

“Nonsense she needs a little row of teeth around that pathetic clitty of hers to keep her alert and attentive to your needs." 

I curtsied quite distraught  “Yes Ms, thank You Ms.”

"And the constant threat of the crop, for the tiniest dissatisfaction in your obedience and service."

“Yes Ms, thank You Ms.” my eyes swelling with  tears

"Or just because it pleases your owner to keep you in perfect and painful discipline, sissy."

“Yes Ms, thank You Ms.” She looked on in cool satisfaction as  tear rolled down my cheek.

Even though I knew Mistress had intention of using the teeth, they were mostly out of favour now and in any case were more used for male subs in initial training before feminization. Just the idea terrified me. Mistress felt that the teeth would draw too much inappropriate attention to my little useless clitty.

Mistress however decided that Ms should punish me, for being disrespectful and not looking up when

spoken to. Even though I was not usually allowed to look up without permission I should have known to look up. Silly sissies need to punished and corrected. 
I was sent for my cuffs and then Ms cropped me. In slow measured swift strokes with Her own crop. The crop was thick leather but supply with a very springy steel rod inside. the rod was a twisted and triangular shaped metal rod designed to bite into soft soft flesh through the leather acutely painfully. and even more so where the leather was well worn and browned. Also the line where the leather was stitched together in a thick ridge, like that on a stitched leather  ball, stung terribly. Her pleasure crop as She called it to ensure She was always pleased.

Gagged with my own panties I wasn't deserving to taste Hers. And strapped down over the whipping bench I was given 6 lashes for not looking up when being spoken to. 6 for disobedience and six more for disrespecting Ms. Later that evening Mistress would crop me again and later make me either sit on a low hard stool or kneel in such a way that my maids booties pressed into my bottom and the backs of my thighs. My bottom would sting and smart terribly for days.

After my punishment I was told to dry my tears with my panties then put them back and fix my makeup.

"Dry those tears sissy, you want to look pretty for my boyfriend dont you sissy." 

“Yes Ms, sissy does Ms, thank You Ms.”

"And go and fetch more wine sissy , its always  thirsty work delivering a satisfying cropping."

“Yes Ms, thank You Ms.”  I curtsied

"So thats why you drink so much." Miss laughed

Ms then told me that I would be very pretty at one of Her auctions. Ms specialized in selling sissies whose owners have tired of them. She first makes a good profit by leasing the sissies to establishments as sissy chamber maid, waitresses and generally fuck toys for a month or so, especially in busy seasons where sissies often served more many Men per hour let alone per day. And very often for gang bangs at parties.

Then after a month or so the  sissies are readied for auction. Dressed in very tight latex underwear and uniforms, for me and all the sissies a teeth bracelet, She teased only half joking. And not permitted to pee on the morning, and often the evening before too  before the auction. Ms takes great pains to pee in front of the sissies though. So that we would squirm helplessly and vulnerable as we were groped and examined. Winsome and pretty for our new prospective owners. Then left impaled on overlarge dildo stools, cock gagged and hooded in leather bags. Turned to and face pressed against the  closed leather curtain. To wait until auction time. All we can hear are our own muffled moans and whimpers and the piped sensual sounds of ladies in the throes of long orgasms. Finally the sissies are unveiled to their prospective new owners. Rudely examined, smacked and slapped on our bottoms, fondled and groped. Questioned and scrutinized until we are completely flustered and in tears. Then finally gagged and hooded again while the bidding and sale takes place.

The auctions are usually party events so the sold sissies will be left still impaled, hooded and gagged facing the wall now. The electronic tag embedded in our buttocks will be updated with our new owners details. Waiting to be taken home while the party continues.

Then taken back to our new Masters household. And Ms does usually specialize in sales to Masters. Ms encourages the new owners to be very strict with their new sissy. Left locked in the chastity with teeth. A severe whipping then fellatio preceding sissy rape. Sissy should then be sent straight to her chores and not allowed to pee till maybe the next evening. If Master has more than one sissy all the sissies should be kept cock gagged, no gossip allowed for that first day or two.

Ms was very sure I would attract  nice very strict Master. Or some very pretty sissies found Mistresses who were far less lenient than She was.  


I was then sent to fetch drinks then back to my chores until Ms’s boyfriend came round to join the ladies. He spanked me hard before fellatio and again before fucking my ass. I was told that I was fortunate just to be spanked as He regularly cropped Ms’s sissies, but Mistress would not allow that. He did cum all over my face though knowing that Mistress disapproved and would punish me severely later.

Miss told me it was pity that Her boyfriend couldn’t come round to play today but He was busy, She would bring Him round later in the week. He was also very well endowed and nearly always came all over my face, knowing that i would be punished later for it.

When I did kneel to please Mistress later She orgasmed very powerfully and then again before bedtime, lots of cascading orgasmic waves around my face as I squirmed in my cage helplessly aching for Her and loving Her.

The next day Mistress came home from work early very horny and pegged me immediately. Then leaving me cock gagged went out again to meet Her friends for afternoon drinks, while I continued with my housework.

I had squirmed desperately and aching for Her to return so I could kneel between Her thighs. Instead She came home with Her boyfriend for the evening. And I had to iron and fold Her panties while they fucked. In between attending them, changing sex soiled nightwear and bedding, licking them clean and laundering His clothes. Before they finally went to bed and I went to my little room.

In the morning I woke Him with fellatio before cooking His breakfast.

I had so hoped for Her to queen me when She woke or allow me to please Her. But instead I was allowed to simply kiss Her bottom lovingly before She went out to work.

That evening though She had purred with pleasure as I kissed Her thighs both inner and outer slowly

sensuously as She relaxed chatting on Her phone. Until finally She pulled me into Her wetness.

I love you Mistress.  




























