
To kiss softly, obediently adoringly, aching and longing to please Her

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Sissy and Mistress, Masters utopian fantasies


And very  profitably the Dominant & submissive Second Life servers (not to be confused with the game orientated SL) where people could upload their
consciousness, or at least its algorithm  to be fully immersed in a fantasy environment. And highly controversially  after death, live on in this virtual world. No one really understood properly if this was really consciousness, but this most lucrative feature of Jorgetown is experienced as completely tangible and feels totally real to its participants. And as long as the servers are funded you might live forever. There are lots of servers for a multitude/multiverse even of scenes, vanilla and otherwise. The  Jorgetown SL servers are only for the Mistress, Master, Sir & sissy lifestyle. But because they invented and patented the software and host many of the umbrella servers for a vast variety of scenes, the money just keeps rolling in waves much like Mistresses multiple orgasms.

There is huge population of sissies who are eager, quite fervently so, to sign up to stringent

rules and asset obligations to join. And in doing so also unwittingly sign up to hand over all these assets at death, completely to their online owners & the SL servers. SL superiors are completely free to come and go as they choose, the sissies are not allowed any volition. Sissies and possible submissives needed to think very carefully before committing to this because the commitment was 100% and could not be backtracked on. Many sissies joined out of curiosity and for a bit of fun, long before death or even middle age  before realizing,  they had effectively sold their ‘souls’ to their superiors heaven. As a sissy you should be very careful what you wish for. 

The superiors will have large harems and households of sissies to serve them obediently, just as it should be. Many sissies and submissives have confused sexual urges and many have harem fantasies where they are the owner and beneficiary of the lovely captives. However the SL algorithms will reverse that for the

sissy and she will find herself one of the seraglio captives, serving a very strict and obdurate Master or Mistress.

Depending on the superiors preference some of the sissies will remain effeminate sissies in permanent chastity. And some of the sissies will be transformed in hot female bimbo’s. Clearly distinct from Mistresses but with a full female sensually curved anatomy. The sissy just before transformation will be brought to the very edge of orgasmic need. Similar to the first time She expected to cum but was milked so humiliatingly instead but multiply that immensely. Then she finds her little flaccid penis/clitty completely gone, but She is still forever desperately aroused with no means of release.
The sissies who become bimbos often will have a crafted backstory, remembered emotionally deliriously rather than real. A story drafted and melted together from lots of different themed bondage scenarios. often from Sci-Fi books where women are sex slaves. she might remember being captured, kidnapped in the night. Or being tricked into sexual slavery or prostitution. Or having scorned a lover suddenly finding herself a helpless slave girl at his feet. Captured when an ancient city fell to a siege, and the women were led away as booty. Or traded on desert caravans, maybe raided and stolen several times. Before finding herself at auction, sold branded and owned by her Master. these and many more swirling around in her memories. 

Rather than the formal strict sissy maid uniforms, no matter how lovely they are with organza chiffon  and lace, that must be kept so perfectly clean and neat no matter how arduous and exacting Her chores. Bimbos will often be clad in the most flimsy of lingerie, sometimes just naked and aproned.

The pleasure silk, not to be confused with real silk garments enjoyed by superiors, will be nearly completely glossy and transparent too. The glassy diaphanous fabric feeling so tight and constrictive but giving her no modesty or support. She fill feel like Her breasts and belled nipples will fall out any moment from the sticky sensuous fabric. She will not usually be permitted panties for her daily chores, she will be allowed panties only if Master intends to order her to remove them, or strip them from her to gag her for punishment or His pleasure. The lingerie and garmenture she is permitted will be the type of fabric and style that no real woman even a harlot or the lowest prostitute would ever choose to be seen in.

Often the bimbo harem slaves will be kept veiled too in tight tiny mouth veils. Of the same pleasure silk fabric that continuously slips in her lips, maddeningly sensuous and constantly catching her breath as she hurries about her chores. After fellatio or cunnilingus this veil will be soaked with Masters or Mistresses pleasure, for the sissy bimbo to taste and smell as she is dismissed to her chores.  Sometimes the bimbo will perform their chores nude but veiled for modesty 

It is highly sensuous and enjoyable to be sucked or licked through such fabric. It is also very pleasing to fondle the bimbo’s curves  through pleasure silk. Your fingers gliding over her loveliness, the fabric feeling like a warm and wet gloss. For her the sensation is maddening and distracting, like being more nude and exposed than being naked.

She will have a fully functioning female body capable of climax, but when She does climax

instead of wave after wave of orgasmic bliss. 
When He cums she will experience wave after wave of total submission to her Masters sexual pleasure. She will feel herself melting around His throbbing cock, weak and feeble in his arms as He spasms with pleasure. Often she will be cuffed, but sometimes she may not be and she will cling to him utterly powerless under His command. Often she will be gagged with her panties sobbing and moaning with need and surrender to Him. 

Totally overwhelmed and utterly undone and dominated  she will cling helplessly in His arms impaled on  His cock as it throbs and spurts with His pleasure. When He is finished, she lifted off Him & will be told to fetch Him a refreshing drink then to lick Him clean. Totally overcome and subjugated She will clean Him so lovingly and needy hoping desperately to prolong the moment, the proximity to His pleasure, as if to somehow cling even just a tiny glimpse of His magnificent dominance.

But then and when He and only He is satisfied she will be dismissed in tears, back to Her menial housework, with the other aproned harem bimbos. Often with a loud hard slap on her bare bottom. And often gagged with her own arousal soaked panties. She will be gagged with these panties for a spanking or cropping, Master will keep His bimbos under a strict, perfect rectitude, and painful discipline. Gagged with her panties for sex and just to silence and humiliate her when it pleases Him to. 

No matter how much she aches not to be dismissed, how utterly humiliated and used she feels

to be dismissed after sex. She will be so turned on grateful that He or Mistress is so very strong with her. She will ache and simmer to serve over and over again. Watching them sometimes  in tears,  hands in shaped tiny week fists, such feeble pique, is just so pleasant.   

Often it is said that sissies and bimbos are so lovely it can be difficult to remain strong with them, but after a short time it does become natural and even more satisfying.

This is not cruelty, sissy craves this as much as it pleases you. Whether she consciously realizes or accepts this or not. And even if she doesn't she is only a sissy to do as she is told.   

The same panties that she will polish and clean with. Sometimes kneeling on the marble hard floor, her wrists in cuffs behind her polishing the stones and tiles with Her panties held in her mouth. Her clitoris also ringed belled ringing out behind her as she works. Often there will be a couple of worthless little coin hanging from the clitoris ring. One indicating that she is to be bought and sold. the other indicating her current owners initials or symbol. Sometimes her belled nipples will have these coins too and sometimes if the nipples are joined by a chain, the coins will hang on there too. 

The same during fellatio or if the bimbo is owned by a Mistress for cunnilingus or pegging. 

The bimbo will feel wave after wave of complete near but never climaxing, orgasmic submission as her superior orgasms or cums. And it will so enjoyable and so perfect to dismiss her in helpless tears after you are satisfied. Just like it is today sending sissy to hand wash your panties after you have climaxed on Her tongue, or having sissy kneel at a Masters feet polishing His shoes with Her panties after He is finished.   
Of course if she is dismissed in tears she will ache to kneel at His feet and polish His shoes, with her panties, never permitted to raise her eyes above his waist, then be dismissed in tears. And if she polishes his shoes she will feel intense humiliation of being so intimately used and so menial.
That is why it is so satisfying to send her to hand wash your panties individually after cunnilingus. The warm wet panties she so loving removed to kiss you perfectly. Now as you relax in post orgasmic bliss, she is hand washing your panties. A chore so menial yet so intimate and performed so lovingly, as is her ironing and folding the panties later.

Her chores, much like today, will be performed in a state of erotically charged perpetual fluster

and breathless panic. Desperate to work perfectly and eagerly and also to be always seen to be doing so fervently. In a state of delicious sexual and domestic vulnerability. Delicious for her owners that is. Much like today when a Mistress, Master or any superior enters a room where sissy is working or inspects her dutifulness, There will be a palpable frisson of choked fright in the air. an erotically charged delightful hint of, a taste  an aroma of a sissy cleaned room.  But immeasurably enhanced and multiplied by the SL algorithms.

How pleasurable it will be to stroll casually through rooms and corridors where sissies or bimbos might be desperately buffing and sparkling everything and every surface. And often on all fours cleaning and polishing the floors. And feel that wave of submissive fright as you pass the sissies curtsying or looking up from all fours, always smiling gratefully for your presence. Each whispering desperate and quite pathetic solicitations as you pass. Usually you will feign to ignore and disregard them as you pass. And soon it will be natural to treat them this way, they are for your pleasure and convenience not their own so pathetically displayed needs. Sometimes you might stop and crop one or two of them, for the slightest of reasons or often for no particular reason. The sissy or bimbo will squeal and sob with fear and pain but thank you so helplessly before hurrying back to her chores. As you walk on. And all of the maids will be so grateful that it wasn’t them this time, but also so aroused too and wishing it had been them. So pathetic and needy are their hot little desires.

As you walk by you be so glad to be a superior to be served so perfectly by the lovely

subjugated maids, and not to be one of them. Secure in the knowledge that their former assets and trust funds, well managed and invested are funding this luxurious environment for your every pleasure. And the sissies or bimbos when you tire of them can be disposed off, sold or traded, replaced from scores and hundreds of available maids.  

Though it would be cruel to make sissy anxious about this and actually illegal to terminate a consciousness  algorithm (no matter what its metaphysical status really is). Sissy are should always be aware somehow that she is totally dependent on your decisions, your every whim and fancy.

One of the games superiors like to play with other in SL is to try trick each other into becoming submissive. The Master becomes a sissy, the Mistress one of the bimbos and having them serve as such. However these are only temporary games as it is improper to trick another equal into coerced submission for more than a few fun filled hours. Not so with sissies the pleasure in owning maids both sissies and bimbos is that they signed up willingly to unemancipated sexual servants in this scene. And although they may not have ever imagined how deep and total their subjugation would be. it is so enjoyable to push and cajole them slowly or not so slowly into what they secretly wished for, even if they didn't know it.  

For the superior participants every instant of pleasure can seem like endless hours of blissful
satisfaction. Free to leave and dip  in and rejoin at any  time  He or She chooses. Equally for the powerless sissymaid every minute of submission domestic and sexual will feel like years of loving helpless obedience.

Thank you Mistress, thank you Master, curtsy




 Lots of delightful hot ideas here too.

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