
To kiss softly, obediently adoringly, aching and longing to please Her

Sunday 30 June 2024

Harem fantasies


Mistress was relaxing on the couch. It had been a very hot day. She had gone to the beach with Her boyfriend. Earlier I had gotten so very excited helping Her choose what to wear. In the end She had chosen a lovely pair of matt leather shorts and a filmy silk blouse, She looked lovely as always. I had gotten so very excited that Mistress had said She had considered caning me, or cock gagging me for the day. But in the end announced that it was a little to late for me to toilet this morning, having spent so much time getting Her ready. And She had left my dildo plug at its largest maximum setting, for my chores today. When Sir came round He looked at me squirming as I served them drinks and I could see He was getting excited himself. But I wasn’t sure if it was Mistresses outfit or my glossy fellatio lips that was making Him swell so much. He had ever so slightly cupped Mistresses bottom in His big hands so confidently sensually, in just the way She liked as they started to leave. She had turned to Him with a giggle and told Him huskily, not here, maybe later, or maybe later you can fuck sissy.

Then I had curtsied to them and knelt down to kiss Her bottom. She had wiggled Her bottom quite

fetchingly on my lips. I couldn’t help but  tell She was aroused. I was so close to Her I could smell the lovely smell of Her. Then standing again I had curtsied to both of them, and Sir had cupped my bottom, but much more firmly and then with a hard pat that was almost a slap, dismissed me.

“Get on with your chores sissy.” Mistress told me closing the door

“Yes Mistress, thank You Mistress.” I said curtsying as the door closed.

Then I had hurried back to my housework.

Mistress often randomly inspected the AI activated video feed, so I didn’t dare tarry, it was not becoming in a sissymaid.

Sir had dropped Mistress off late in the afternoon, and I had attended Her whilst She had  a bath. Using the soft scrapper and loofah, while She lay back and relaxed, listening to music. Then after drying Her and kissing Her bottom lovingly She had put on a silk lacy house negligee and gone downstairs to sit in lounge with the patio doors open and the AC keeping Her cool. I had served Her chilled white wine and some light sweet pastries and  hurried off to the hot and stuffy laundry room to begin hand washing Her clothes.

Now later in the afternoon, early in the evening I was kneeling at Her side, She allowed me to look up above Her waistline and told me to remove Her panties, it was still very warm. I was still in my close fitting satin maids uniform with its clingy petticoats and buttoned up peter pan collar. Looking perfect & pretty in my uniform for Mistress and Her guests was so much more important than any slight discomfort for Her sissymaid. The black silk was quite damp and Mistress was quite hot and wet. She had been with Her boyfriend all day but kept Him teased and horny all day. She not being in the mood for indulging Him today. It pleased Her to tease and keep Her boyfriends on edge until She was ready. And Her sissy in strict chastity, so I was always attentive and desperately loving for Her intimate pleasure.

Mistress lifted the hem of Her negligee and allowed me to kiss Her inner thighs softly and slowly while we chatted.

We were talking about slave  girls who were always kept hot and needy to please their Master. And how

they would compete jealously to serve Him and be so  desperately orgasmic. Aching for Him inside them. Clinging so helplessly as He came inside them as they climaxed in submissive ecstasy. Feeling themselves melting around Him into Him. Then forlornly licking and sucking cleaning Him so lovingly afterwards. Hoping to keep Him hard to please Him with fellatio once more before He went to sleep. As He fell asleep they swallowed His cum adoringly then if they were favoured slept in His arms, squirmed and slept in His arms. Mostly He would keep her still locked in the love bracelets a delicate waist chain and cuffs set that kept her wrists behind her for fellatio and sex, when He went to sleep. She was not permitted to touch Herself, except for His amusement. Very similar to the pink leather belt and cuff set Mistress used for pegging me, or Sir used for fellatio and anal sex with me. The heart shaped links delicate and pretty were nonetheless inescapable and as obdurate as my pink cuffs. Not that she nor I the sissymaid would ever think to be anything other than totally intimate obedient to our superiors sexual pleasure.

Often He would leave her gagged  with her panties, while He slept. The same panties He muffled Her squeals moans while He enjoyed Her intimate penetration. Sometime she might be kept gagged until He had cum and her helpless climax had subsided. Sometimes He might ungag her at the last moment, as they both came so she could sob her helpless submission to Him as wave after wave of orgasm swept over her.

While He slept she would cling close to Him and His cock, trying with her body warmth to keep Him at least semi erect against her body through the glassy pleasure silks. Maybe softly rubbing her cleavage along His shaft. If she was left ungagged she might kiss Him softly as He slept, tremulously needy. Aching for Him to wake but fearful of His displeasure if  waking Him. Longing for the morning when she might be properly permitted to wake Him with her mouth. Then to swallow and be sent to her chores. How wonderful to be Him to be woken like that to see her eyes looking up lovingly at His as she licked and kissed, sucked Him so obediently so adoringly. And His hot harem of houris all aching and competing fervently to be in her place.

Mistress quite enjoyed this little fantasy and She and Her friends savoured  endlessly teasing me with it.

Because She knew it had been one of my favourites too. Always confused emotionally sexually whether I ached to be the satisfied owner of this delicious harem of sexual pleasure, or one of the slave girls to please and serve perfectly or be punished. 

Of course now a sissymaid in Her chastity it was obvious that wherever my proclivities had inclined before. I was now one of the latter or lesser. For Her pleasure only, and that of Her boyfriends who She enjoyed watching me suck or be fucked by them as foreplay to Her own pleasure.

And how perfect and appropriate it was for me to please Her or Him with my mouth, kept tiny in chastity, and dismissed after sex to my housework. How lovely for me to hand wash Her panties after She had orgasmed on my tongue, the memory of Her hot wetness making me squirm and squelch helplessly as performed my most intimate chore. Or my bottom slapped after sex with Sir as I minced back to my chores. How lovely and perfect for the sexually humiliated sissymaid.

And how wonderful it was for Her or for Him to be them, totally sexually satisfied whenever they pleased. Cane or crop firmly in hand so my domestic and intimate service was perfect for them. Loving but kept under strict discipline to ensure my total attentive obedience.

And while the slavegirls in the fantasies did sometimes climax and orgasm, however helplessly and submissively in ecstasy for their Masters or Mistresses pleasure. Sissymaids are not permitted to cum, or climax, as that would detract not only from their attentive obedience and the performance of their domestic chores, even if only for a brief time, post sissygasm.  But also from the enjoyment of my superior in knowing that I was squirming and aching as I pleased Her or Him. Breathlessly orgasmic, on the very edge of climax.

How glad Mistress was to be Her and not one such as me.  

“Yes Miss, thank You Miss.” I whispered quite hotly.

When it was just She and I, I was to call Her Miss rather than Mistress, as She felt that was more


She was very wet now, but She finished off Her wine and sent me for a refill. Just for the pleasure of watching me, knowing I was so excited, struggle to my feet and curtsy, gracefully and perfectly. Then watch me as I minced to the kitchen and returned with Her wine.

When I returned She patted my head and stood up to go to the loo. Sometimes She enjoyed peeing into my mouth and sometimes like today She didn’t. But even so it made me squirm and ache as I had not been allowed to toilet yet today. Mistress often teased or punished me this way as it had been found that sissies could be not allowed to pee for up to 3 days with no damage but lots of squirmy discomfort. And it was quite enjoyable for Sir if we were very squirmy when He spanked or fondled our bottoms.

She smiled at me as She sat back down as if to emphasize Her relief and to accentuate my discomfort and took a sip of Her wine.

Then She lifted the hem of Her negligee and pulled me close to Her.

“Curtsy cuffs sissy, or maybe should I send you for the leather cuffs ?” She whispered quite huskily almost to Herself.

“Yes Miss, thank You Miss.” I replied in my squeaky sissy voice but also very huskily.

She looked own at me as if surprised by my answer.

“Yes curtsy cuffs sissy, for now sissy.”

Curtsy cuffs meant that I had to hold the hem of my dress as if curtsying until given permission to let

go. Mistress liked it for cunnilingus and if She spanked me, sometimes for caning too. Though She often She used the pink leather cuffs for punishment, and pegging, but also often for cunnilingus too. It all depended on Her fancy. Needlessly to say if I broke curtsy cuffs I would find myself in the leather cuffs for a severe punishment. I was always in the locked in the cuffs when serving Sir.  

“Yes Miss, thank You Miss.”

She parted Her thighs that much more and then slipped the damp hem of Her slip over my head

“Yes Miss, thank You Miss.” I whispered lovingly.

After She had climaxed I fetched Her a clean negligee and another glass of wine and was allowed to stay between Her thighs kissing Her softly while I cleaned and dried Her. She did give me a little drink of Her hot pee straight into my mouth too. I didn’t fetch Her a fresh pair of panties. It was way to warm for panties wasn’t it sissy, She teased me as I squirmed in my chastity and on my plug in my hot tight satin panties.

“Yes Miss, thank You Miss.”

Mistress opened Her phone to chat to one of Her friends. The camera was turned to me so I could curtsy and say hello to Miss. Her own sissy was behind Her quietly facing the wall, waiting to serve.  I was sent away to wash Mistresses  panties while She chatted.

Later in the bathroom Mistress watched me as I had my evening enema, showered and then powdered and moisturized myself. Then put on my glassy pink baby doll nightdress, then my makeup. I wasn’t permitted to toilet again.

I fetched Mistress another wine and She watched me as I changed Her black silk sheets. Making sure they were perfectly smooth and totally crease free, almost like a mirror exactly as She liked.

Mistress was enjoying Her wine and was ebullient and expansive. She and Her friend had been chatting about how in the future Mistresses and Masters would have a household of sissies for their domestic service and intimate pleasure.

Ideally at least 10 per household. There were plenty of eager sissies who would be cajoled, enticed into service. Sissy maids who  neither deserved their own volition nor orgasms. But would serve their owners so desperately lovingly and be happy to do so.

In such households sissies would need to be supervised physically or using AI.

In some cases the sissies could be self supervised. With a first girl or maid temporarily appointed to keep track of the maids as they worked. She would be summoned at the end of the day for her report and any imperfection punished, she would be punished too, but would never dare try to conceal anything from her owner. Or Mistress might employ a house Miss or Ms to supervise the sissies they would of course be allowed expected to punish the sissies physically. In some cases where the Mistress had a dominant/submissive relationship with the Miss. The Miss might be dressed as a maid but be quite obviously the head maid or even maids, compared to the sissy maids. In some cases the sissies might also be expected to serve the female maids intimately. In some cases just pegging but also maybe more rarely cunnilingus too. In all cases the sissymaids would be subject to corporal punishment.

In some household the sissies would be restricted to manual & menial housework & chores suitable for

their status. In other households sissies might be taught to cook and expected to cook and prepare delicious and excellently presented dishes. In most cases though sissies role in the kitchen was menial, peeling and washing food and pots, dishes etc, supervised by a professional kitchen head and chef. The chef usually female would be quite vanilla but would come to appreciate and enjoy the service of the sweet obedient sissies and punishing them or sending them to be punished if that service fell short of even the tiniest of expectations. 

Of course the sissies wouldn’t allowed to chat or gossip while they were busy with their chores and sometimes would be kept cock gagged. But they might also be expected to talk breathlessly while they worked. About how much they loved their chores and pleasing Mistress. How much they deserved and loved being kept in chastity and plugged. How corporal punishment was painful and fearful but perfect for sissies and how much they loved being kept under perfect discipline. If as most were being force femmed how much they loved the pretty uniforms and dresses. And for forced bi how much they loved sucking Sirs cock and swallowing His cum obediently. How they loved struggling utterly futilely as He bent them over and spreading and splitting their tight little bottoms. No matter how shamed and reluctant they were. Being expected to repeat, elaborate and emphasize these little phrases. Until they were helplessly hot with shame and with both sexual arousal and sexual fear for their owners exploitation and pleasure. At this point Mistress or Master might come into where the sissies were working and instruct them to hurry up and work quietly. One or more sissy might be punished. Then leaving them to work in a hot state of sex and fear, totally vulnerable and lovely.

Mistress came over and inspected the sheets, pressing and running Her fingertip across the sheen.

“Crease free &  adequate for today sissy, no need for my canes this evening.”

“Yes Miss, thank You Miss.” 

I gulped in fright at the mention of Her canes and curtsied. I so hoped to be allowed to please Her on that bed tonight.

“You may kneel and kiss my bottom sissy”

“Yes Miss, thank You Miss.” I whispered so hotly kneeling behind Her and kissing Her on both cheeks then intimately between Her cheeks. Hotly but respectfully. She wriggled Her bottom then with a sigh and a self satisfied giggle twisted round, around on my face so She was facing me but obviously looking down at me. Then She pushed me down onto the bed and sat on my face, grinding on my tongue and lips till She climaxed loudly.

“Change the sheets sissy.” She told me as She slipped off me, off the bed and into the shower.

“Yes Miss, thank You Miss.” I was so desperately hot now.

I dried Her when She got out of the shower.

She inspected the sheets again and declared Herself satisfied.

“You may dress me now sissy.”

“Ohh Miss, Yes Miss, thank You Miss.”

“I am going out with my friends sissy, I will most likely not be back till tomorrow afternoon sissy.”

“Yes Miss, thank You Miss.” I was nearly in tears

“But my boyfriend is coming over tonight.”

“Yes Miss, thank You Miss.”

“He was quite horny this afternoon, so I didn’t want to disappoint Him, and you will be a good sissymaid for Him wont you sissy ?”

“Yes Miss, thank You Miss.”  I said feeling very emasculated & vulnerable now.

“I told Him how excited you were this morning so He is sure to give you a good spanking sissy as always sissy.”

“Yes Miss, thank You Miss.”

“And lots of lip gloss so He sees you in terms of pleasure too sissy.”

“Yes Miss, thank You Miss.”

“You will squirm nicely for Him wont you sissy.”

“Yes Miss, thank You Miss.” I whispered already feeling His hands fondling and groping me.

She went to the loo again as if to remind me how swollen and squirmy I was already.

I helped Mistress dress in a lovely silk slip evening dress, She was only going out with Her friends but

always liked to dress sexily, and in case She never knew what might happen. I knew that that She would often enjoy one of the sissies in the club. That made me feel so jealous and full of feeble sissy pique, or She might go back with one of Her friends, Mistress was quite happily bi.

Often She wore this dress without panties but tonight She had a special pair that were so fine and lovely they were like wearing none. I kissed Her lingeringly on the bottom so wanting Her to change Her mind but knowing She wouldn’t.

Then She left me kneeling facing the wall while She finished applying Her makeup.

“Oh sissy, after Sir has enjoyed your little ass,  if you cant sleep and are feeling very excited in the night you can beg Sir to let you suck His cock again.”

Mistress teased me, knowing that Her boyfriends often woke me in the night or fellatio.

“That will help Him relax wont it sissy.”

“Yes Miss, thank You Miss.”

“Though He might spank you again for being so needy and naughty sissy.”

“Yes Miss, thank You Miss.”

“But you will deserve that wont you sissy.”

“Yes Miss, thank You Miss.”

Mistress taxi arrived and I curtsied and kissed Her bottom. She locked me in the cuff set and left me kneeling facing the wall in Her bedroom. She had recently had  a short thick leather curtain installed here that could be buckled shut. Just like the slave alcoves in your favourite stories sissy. Mistress sometimes like to send me to kneel here if She was with Her lover in the bedroom. Though more often She liked me to busy ironing Her panties or Her other most intimate lingerie.

Mistress had told me that Her friend Miss often charged some of Her male friends to fuck Her sissy. She would often take Her sissy out to arrange such liaisons, Her sissy had  a tiny little handbag that they would put the money into and then hand over to Miss. Sissy wasn’t allowed to open or look inside the little valise naturally. Although the physical money was symbolic, nobody uses cash anymore, it was indicative of how much He had really paid to and enjoyed Her service, so if the amount was unsatisfactory sissy would be punished.


Mistress pushed a pair of Her panties into my mouth and patted my bottom and then closed the curtain and turned the light off, leaving me kneeling in the darkness. Her boyfriend would most likely be an hour or so yet. The curtained recess was stuffy and combined with the strong smell of the leather, reeked of sex and fear.

Although I barely dared admit it to myself I was aching to please Sir to look up at Him as I obediently sucked His cock, swallowed His cum. Though I still felt totally humiliated and emasculated when He bent me over and fucked me. Likewise when Mistress pegged me, I was so nearly in orgasm thinking about it, nearly feeling Him throbbing and cumming inside me.

In the darkness I  squirmed and squelched totally vulnerable and helpless, waiting for Sir.   


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