
To kiss softly, obediently adoringly, aching and longing to please Her

Sunday, 16 February 2025

Domesticated happiness for sissy and Superior


How perfect it is for sissy to wake her Mistresses boyfriend, in bed, with her mouth. Feeling Him grow hard and big in her mouth, while she is still so tiny and soft in chastity. The hot smell and taste of Him. The scent and taste of Mistresses arousal and their pleasure still on His  cock a sit hardens in your mouth. Then as He wakes feeling His hands in your hair holding you firmly and pressing you down on Him, His now alive throbbing cock thrust deep in your mouth, in your throat. Mistress might be awake, or half awake watching, or She might still be asleep. He, Sir always comes so quickly and thickly. His cum always taste and smell so strongly in the morning.

And after He has filled your mouth you wait kneeling by the bed for permission to swallow. He might smoke a cigarette ignoring you as you choke on the thick mouthful of His pleasure. Then He might permit you to swallow, or make you wait until you have prepared His breakfast.

He rises from the bed and you curtsy to Him, then He pushes you aside, maybe with a pat or slap on your bottom as Her goes into the bathroom. You hear Him peeing as you hurriedly but quietly tidy and clean the bedroom, wishing so desperately you could pee also, but sissies must wait for permission  & supervision to toilet. You will have changed the sheets & Mistress lingerie in the night, after She and Her boyfriend Sir  had finished fucking.

Its not acceptable for Mistress or Sir to sleep in sex soiled bed linen or lingerie. In contrast if one of the Sirs wants to fuck me I must always sleep in the wet, sticky patch and my glossy pink satin babydoll, will be sticky with His pleasure till morning. After Mistress and Sir have enjoyed sex I will usually serve drinks and lick Mistress clean, then lick and suck Sir clean.

I am always to do this seductively and am expected to look up at Sir while I am performing intimately, even if it is just cleaning His cock.

Sissies are expected to keep their eyes lowered submissively at all times unless told or given permission to look up. Below His or Hers belt, constantly reinforcing our inferior status. And that any sex is for their pleasure, we are to please obediently.

 Sometimes this will get Sir excited again and if Mistress is feeling indulgent She might allow Him to

enjoy my fellatio, or sometimes my ass. At other times Mistress might pull Him back towards Her still feeling wet and rampant Herself. Which means I will have to change the sheets again afterwards. Sometimes Mistress, wanting to sleep might dismiss me not allowing Sir another BJ, to keep Him keen for Her pleasure later.

Sometimes in the night when Mistress is asleep Sir might come to my little bedroom and want fellatio or to fuck my ass. Mistress mostly allows this as long as She is satisfied. But sometimes She is annoyed and I am punished in the morning, with a caning or cropping, and kept cock gagged for my days housework.

This morning Sir pats my bottom firmly and goes into the bathroom. Mistress is still sleeping or has gone back to sleep. Sometimes She might want to queen me in the mornings or just cunnilingus, but often in the mornings if She is feeling horny She might just choose Her own fingers. If She does She likes to either have me stand facing the wall until She is finished or have me tidying and cleaning the room while She sighs and moans with pleasure.

I can see from the way Mistresses lace slip is hanging sticking to Her thighs that She is aroused, so She most likely had been watching. Mistress never sleeps with panties on so I can smell the sweet smell of Her too. But She has drifted off back to sleep now so I tidy the room quietly. Although I have been busy at my chores for a couple of hours already, making sure the house  is spotlessly clean and gleaming for them when they wake. A sissies  day starts when her superiors  wake.

While Sir is still showering I go down to the kitchen and prepare breakfast, well reheat breakfast. It was prepared before I woke Him. Sissies do not ever dare to keep their superiors waiting unless they want to be punished.

I hurry back upstairs & into the bathroom when Sir is coming out of the shower. Offering to towel Him down, but He simply pats my bottom and taking the towel dries himself. Mostly the Sirs are not very interested in sissies after they have had their morning wake up BJ.

Mistress is waking up now and I bring Her a coffee in bed, then go downstairs with Sir and serve Him breakfast. Mistress calls me back upstairs, and She has me kneeling beside the bed so She can hook Her legs over my shoulder and pee. She often enjoys using my mouth like that in the morning it is very intimate. Then She lies back and masturbates while I face the wall.

She comes quite quickly panting and gasping with pleasure. When She gets out bed see is soaked under Her nightdress and I kiss Her bottom and Her front lovingly. Then undress Her and She goes into the shower. Sometimes Mistress or Miss when I am to call Her when its just Her and me, likes me to sponge and wash Her in the shower but not this morning. She smiles sweetly, with exaggerated sympathy at my disappointment, then closes the shower door.

I tidy the bedroom again and wait for Miss to come out of the shower. Sir calls me downstairs for more
coffee an then I rush back upstairs to dry and dress Mistress, then serve breakfast.

Being rather scatterbrained and constantly flustered I lose track of the days. The only times I am aware of the weekends is because Mistress wakes later and doesn’t go to work, She often goes out or has friends over for drinks and snacks. One time when I was very naïve and silly  had asked Mistress if maids ever get a day off. She had been sat with Her friend and Her friends boyfriend. He had sat me on His lap, I knew that later He would put me over His lap and spank me before fellatio while the two ladies chatted. But for no He sat me on His lap and Mistress laughed.

“Whatever would you do with a day off sissy, and more importantly who would do all my housework?”

Both ladies looked at me inquisitively and laughed.

“Its as ridiculous as letting you out of chastity for a day, why would I ever do that sissy.”

“Yes Mistress, thank You Mistress.” I had blushed and squirmed embarrassed.

Sir had patted my bottom patronisingly.

Later He told the ladies my oral and anal had been extra special that day. And Mistress told me so was my cunnilingus, so much so that She had enjoyed it twice while playing with the key and laughing about the idea allowing me, or any sissy out of chastity.

After breakfast Sir leaves earlier Mistress relaxes with another coffee and a cigarette before I help Her choose Her outfit for the days. Fetching each outfit from Her closet for Her to try on, in turn. Each rejected set will need to be hand laundered today.

She chooses a midi length matt leather skirt and matt silk blouse, short ankle booties. Lovely as usual I kneel and kiss Her bottom when She is dressed. And curtsy to Her at the door as She leaves for the day locking the front door behind Her. I am only allowed to open the downstairs rear door for deliveries during the day and never allowed to leave the house, or even go into the walled garden and pool area when She is not home.

I am always very tearful and emotional when She leaves for the day. But kindly I have the sheets from
Her and Her boyfriend last night,  to hand wash for my first chore and then Her night wear to also hand wash and iron along with the sheets. Sir has also left some clothes to launder and iron but these will be done separately and later.

I dry my tears and squelch tightly on my plug as I start to wash the first sheet, it is tacky and sticky still from their sex. I curtsy and kiss the soiled patch respectfully, longingly for Mistress, and also a little shamefully for Sir.  

It was always a long day alone with my housework, but also time passed quickly as I was always very busy scrubbing and polishing, all my chores are done as much as possible  the old fashioned way by hand, on my hands and knees too.

But I would always be immaculate and ready with a curtsy and smile for Mistress when She arrived home, and all my chores done perfectly.

It is not nice to be caned, even if I do deserve it, and I love being perfect for Mistress. Curtsy.                 

Sissy maids are good chamber maids.


The Misses never needed to do much work apart from to punish us and hurry us along with the crop. That was  their job to supervise us and discipline us. Customer service with corporal punishment. Of course the sissymaids did all the housework & menial chores, smiling happily for our superiors. They enjoyed disciplining and punishing us that was part of the job criteria . Mistress employed ladies on the scene who were very strict and enjoyed being so. The Misses usually had a sissy or sissies of their own at home and often showed us pictures of their own maids. Sometimes we would get to meet them when the Miss was on vacation Herself and Her sissy was boarded here. The other Misses always enjoyed teasing these sissies terribly, but then again they enjoyed teasing all of us just the same.   

Most of the ladies said that their ideal was at first just one sissy. Quite often this was  a boyfriend/partner husband who had become unsatisfactory, or who had always been so and the Mistress had finally decided to take control. Or a specially selected sissy who wanted to enter the lifestyle as had proved themselves to be suitable submissive and compliant. Initially a private, personal sissies just for Mistress and Her new more satisfying boyfriend and the occasional male visitor. At first  just to use and humiliate sissy and further her effeminization. Although this was also quite a turn on for the Mistress to watch.  But then Mistresses desire often  grew to a desire for a small harem of around 5 sissies, still private initially. Who then could also take private visitors to earn substantial extra money for the sissies owners. And then could also be sent to clubs and parties to earn ‘tips for tricks’ for their owners. This was very profitable as female prostitution was prohibitively expensive and socially unacceptable these days. But effeminate sissies were very feminine, obedient and totally pleasing, for a fee. There were also lots of submissive men available, a lot more than you would expect or that even they suspected.

The Mistress and the other women, and the Misses all liked to wear quite fashionable & seductive

clothing. Often highly polished leather skirts or trousers with silk blouses, even business wear was often very subtly sexy and showing that She was highly fashionable and in charge. This of course excited the Sirs but also the sissies haplessly in chastity &  helplessly, even first thing in the morning the ladies who supervised our getting ready in the morning. Watching us shower and take a warm, often quite hot enema, squirming and wriggling with discomfort trying to hold the hot water inside us until given permission to flush, we had to be squeaky clean inside and out for the Sirs. Wriggling and jiggling about as we sponged each other down.

Before showering we were allowed to pee, in turn but often the Misses would tease us and say there wasn’t enough time for that and their break and what was more important Her break or our discomfort.

“Your break time Miss, thank you Miss” We would all say & curtsy, nearly in tears.

So we would wriggle and squirm even more haplessly with our very warm enemas  in the shower 

After we had dried each other the Misses would choose our uniforms, there were lots of variants on the wet look satin and lace but we were never allowed to choose. And them makeup, nails and hair. Most of us had pretty little bobs, a couple of the sissies who had very fine features had shorter feather cuts, but still with enough hair for Sir or Mistress to hold on to if they wanted to. Most of us were blondes I was platinum blonde sometimes with faint pink edging. Our nails were all squoval and veryy glossy, very impractical for our chores but pretty and like our uniforms had to be kept immaculate.

We would all sit down at the tables pressed together on the benches for a slice of dry white toast, in triangles of course and  a sugary cup of weak very milky tea, for breakfast.

The two Misses, there was always two on the morning rota would sit at another table enjoying a full breakfast and very strong aromatic coffee. One or two of us would be lucky enough to attend & serve them.  While they chatted and laughed enjoying breakfast. We were allowed to chat quietly too, eating primly sitting gracefully. Often our bottoms would be tender from spankings and anal the night before. Our posture on  the very thin hard bench had the effect of making us feel like we were impaled on our plugs as we sat and daintily nibbled the toast. Sometimes one of the Misses would pee into a glass and give one or two of us that to drink instead or as well as tea. Especially if She had denied those sissies toileting that morning. But usually the bottled pee was saved till later, to drink with lunch or the evening meal. Only Mistress pees directly into our mouths when She desires, but Mistress likes us to drink female urine whenever possible and because She has so many sissies in Her personal harem acting as chamber maids, there simply isn’t enough from Her alone.

Then as we were sent to our morning chores, there was still a couple of hours of housework before we would wake the Men with fellatio, the Misses would tease us with auto conditioning triggers.

We all of Mistresses sissymaids and chamber maids, all  had breasts DD and ample jiggly cleavages now. Mistress had given us all the extra hormones and then a month or so later we were all chemically gelded. Mistress had told us that sissies growing breasts didn’t need little clitties anymore, and that the hormone balance of having breasts means that little sissy clitties and plums had to go. I wasn’t really so sure about that but if Mistress said it was so,  it was so. And in any case what was better keeping our little flaccid clitties or pleasing Sir with our breasts and earning lots of ‘tips’ for Mistress to enjoy spending.

“Pleasing Sir Mistress. Thank You Mistress.” We had all curtsied obediently.

We were always so very attentive and needy, fervently obedient & submissive.

One unexpectedly delightful side effect of chemical gelding was that it made sissies constantly and hotly

desperate to please the Sirs very much more so than before. Sucking Him and being bent over for Him even though we still found anal deeply distressing and humiliating, with Mistress and Her strap on and more so with Sirs throbbing member. We ached to serve and please the Sirs and cling to Him submissively afterwards nearly as much, but never as much as we ached to serve Mistress intimately, and we also found our trial menial chores erotically charged, especially washing Mistresses or the lady guests underwear. Mistress said it was quite lovely to see me in tears of need hand washing Her panties after cunnilingus. Quite so that She often decided to enjoy my tongue again.

But with the Sirs now we so ached desperately and almost uncontrollably for fellatio and to please Him, for Him to cum stickily in our mouths almost as if somehow we unconsciously or emotionally expected to cum ourselves or feel some release when He came. And even to be bent over and penetrated, which we still found so distressing and shamefully arousing, knowing that He didn’t care because His pleasure was much more important than our discomfort. And that made us want to please Him even more. In the past some sissies were occasionally allowed to orgasm anally during penetration, even to be milked sometimes that way. But the consensus from the Mistresses was that only they should orgasm when they are having sex with us, it was much more enjoyable that way.

And only Sir should cum when they were fucking us. We would still get the build up and the near crescendo, but then only the feeling of total surrender to Hers or His pleasure when they came and you were not allowed to.

So much so that sometimes the Sirs would let us sit on their laps post licking Him clean after sex, or occasionally until we swallowed His cum. Sitting there clinging to Him tearfully for a few moments. But only if He was feeling indulgent. Mistress preferred us to remain kneeling under the hem of Her skirt, kissing Her softly on these occasions. Again only if She was feeling satisfied and indulgent, before sending us to hand wash Her panties. The panties you had so lovingly removed so She could enjoy your intimate service.    


Needless to say this effect of the chemical/hormonal gelding was so amusing and pleasing to Mistress

and the other ladies that many sissies who had been physically gelded, snipped as they called it had the procedure reversed so that sissy could be snipped again. All these procedures could be reversed if our owners gave permission which of course they never would unless it suited them.

The procedure Mistress had chosen for us  left us with just a tiny button extruding that Mistress could fit a pretty little  pink lock to us, with attached urethral tube, so that were still constantly reminded that we were locked up. Some chemical gelding left the clitty recessed similar to a woman’s but without the natural vagina or clitoris. Mistress for now preferred the tiny lockable button and the Sirs liked to see were still locked too. But Mistress could as always change Her mind as She saw fit.

The Misses would tease use telling us to look at each other. Look how pretty she is with her jiggling boobs and bottom in that sexy uniform. Just think how lovely it would be to have her on her knees before you sucking you or bending her over to spread Her cheeks and fuck her tight little bottom.  To see her looking up with her glossed lips around your cock sucking you obediently and lovingly.

Imagine that time when all the girls were so pretty at that party, but out of your reach and you couldn’t wait to get home and masturbate, but time after time that on that journey or odyssey you had been delayed, finally you had arrived home but had become overexcited that as soon as you touched yourself all the week cum just leaked out pathetically like sissies often do before chastity.

Left feeling damp but unsatisfied, and in tears of frustration and shame, unable to get aroused again and

feeling so inadequate compared to the real men at the party. Who were so confident with the pretty girls who reciprocated that confidence and easy sexuality, that was so out of reach for sissies, like you even before you knew you were a sissy.

That is the only way a sissy should have ever cum,  ruined or milked leaking out, but preferably never allowed to release  again once in chastity.

But think how wonderful it would be to be a Sir just for a few moments and have one of the  lovely sissy there for your pleasure. With her jiggling heaving cleavage and Her plump but soft glossy lips engulfing your cock, and to spurt strongly with pleasure in Her pretty face and then to bend her forward and spread her bottom, first with your hands but then with your cock as you penetrate her. How pleasurable that would be. And suddenly that’s all you can think about when you see the other maids mincing so prettily in their lovely glossy, glassy satin and lace trim.

Then with abrupt sharpness, sometimes with the mnemonic sound from the snap of the crop. That horrible snap of leather on soft flesh, or on Her heel, for extra frightening volume.   Miss would reduce us back our effeminate reality we were all  just sissies. Not one of the Sirs but there to please the Sirs and it would be you looking up so prettily at Him from your knees desperately eager to please Sir and knowing that you would be, and deserve to be, punished if you failed in any tiny way to totally satisfy and please Him. Put over His knees and spanked before sex and punished with the crop if you didn’t satisfy and please Him totally. In  a delicious fluster of sex and fear, delicious for them that is.

In tears unable to help ourselves we would face and embrace the other sissies sometimes three or four of us together and curtsy close to each other breast rubbing and jiggling together. And pressing closer kiss each other on the lips, eyes meeting as if we sucking one of the Sirs cocks together. And whisper sweetly to each other.

“I hope Sir is  as strict with you as I want Him to be with me.” Imagining being over His lap for a hard spanking.

“I hope you please Sir as much as I want to please Him.” Imagining Him parting your lips or bottom with His firm cock and cumming.

“Ohhh ohhh, this sissy maid does too, ooh…” We would reply gasping with helpless excitement. Knowing only too well that, that excitement was for His pleasure never yours.

Then curtly we would be sent hurrying to our chores, aching with arousal until it was time to wake the Sirs with fellatio.

The Misses would laugh watching us mincing hurriedly to our chores. Sometimes hurrying one or two of us with a quick sharp double slash with the crop. But the sharp crack of the whip and the fearful obedient sob hurrying us all along.

In the morning the Misses often liked to assign me shoe polishing duties as they said it was amusing to

watch me kneeling squirming on my plug,  thinking about sucking and waking the Sirs as I polished their  shoes with my panties. Or at least it seemed that way, to all of us, each given the most sexually humiliating tasks, more than the other maid. Punished more strictly, teased more, hurried along with the crop more, given a hotter enema or denied morning or evening pee, more than the other maids. In truth though we were all assigned this and the other chores and pantry laundry duties randomly according to our superiors whims. And in truth as well we all were happy when we imagined Mistress or the Sirs and guests treated us more strictly. We all wanted to kept under perfect thrilling discipline to please them as much as possible.  

The maid right next to me got a criss cross across the backs of her thighs. I heartd the awful crack of the leather on the backs of her soft creamy legs and Her squeal and whimper. She curtsied and whispered thank you Miss. I inadvertently curtsied to and Miss laughed at me and thankfully only patted my bottom.

I knelt down to start polishing the shoes, there was  along line of them along the corridor. There was another maid at  the other end of the corridor too, but on the other side. There was lots of shoes to shine. I made sure I squirmed and squelched prettily  when the other Miss walked past and continued to do so thinking already about waking the Sirs. The Miss would be going to the staff room now to relax and maybe sleep for a couple of hours, it was still very early. Sometimes the Ladies on duty had come directly from a night out and were still wearing their lovely outfits.

On occasion, scandalously they might have a boyfriend with them, and after they had supervised us they

might use one of the vacant bedrooms. Sometime I knew the Misses might be aroused and decide to use one of the rooms Herself to masturbate and then sleep. This was none of our business of course, but sometimes the Misses liked to humiliate us by making us attend them in the rooms or maybe have us standing facing the wall while they moaned loudly with pleasure.

But for now I hurriedly got on with polishing the Sirs shoes with my panties. I glanced over at the other maid and Her pretty bouncing breasts as She polished  fervently. I  had a sudden spasm of arousal, then almost choking with need hurried on with my own polishing.

We were good maids and wanted to please Mistress and Her guests.         

Saturday, 15 February 2025

Fellatio, spluttering and gagging on His pleasure


 I had woken Sir with oral service that morning as well as another guest, before being sent to the laundry room to hand wash panties. The Misses liked to send several girls to the pantie laundry in the mornings and often one or two of the guests would come into the laundry room to push us face down into a pile of soiled underwear and rape us. Or worse face down onto a clean pile of laundry that would all need hand washing again. It was quite a morning routine and the Misses would sit and enjoy watching drinking coffee and smoking, taking their breaks.

The Misses would tease us about waking the Sirs and how wonderful it was to feel His spasm of pleasure. And then the taste and texture of a real mans cum , and then to swallow His  cum, when we were kept in chastity not allowed to ever orgasm. And we would giggle and tease each other about the Sirs and big they always were. Most of the Sirs were naturally big anyway but selective treatments made them even more so. 10” with matching girth was common, and they were always very straight and hard. Sometimes up to 12” and sissies always had to deep throat, all the way to His lovely full balls,  there were no acceptable excuses.

Although sissies quickly learned to alleviate their gag reflexes, mainly by increasing suction and His

pleasure by swallowing Him as He pushes in. Giving Him  a lovely thrusting sensation even if He isn’t thrusting. We still cant help but choke and gag on Him spluttering looking up at Him for His enjoyment. Always the vulnerable fear that we are going to choke on His manhood, or choke on the thick sticky load of His cum.

In private households and situations, sometimes here in the hotel Mistress and the Misses will decide to punish us if Sir blows or cums  in our face and décolletage. Sometimes they insist it is rude not to keep it all inside our mouths when Sir cums. Of course the Sirs don’t care if we are punished for what they enjoy and seeing us being punished or sent to be punished enhances their post coital enjoyment. The fact that they the Sirs simply don’t care also thrills me terribly and makes me want to please them again. 

Mistress especially insists on a sticky full mouth if I am serving one of Her boyfriends or friends boyfriends in Her presence, rather than one of the guests. She enjoys watching me perform fellatio as foreplay for Her and Her boyfriend, or sometimes if I am lucky for Her and me, or another sissies intimate service.

No matter how much Sir cums and they always cum a lot, I am not allowed to swallow until they give permission and must keep looking up at them submissively and squirm on my plug until allowed to swallow. Sometimes they tell me eyes down sissy, and sometimes I am sent to face the wall still spluttering and half choking. If I am ever given the rare privilege of waking one of Mistresses boyfriends in Her bed, He likes me to not swallow until I have served Him and He has finished His breakfast. 

Then I may thank them for being allowed to swallow , and how manly their thick load is. And thank them for being given the privilege of pleasing them, until they instruct me to be quiet.       

Very often before or after my spanking the Sirs are already rock hard, and I will start by sucking and kissing along their shaft and balls, taking each on in my mouth in turn. While I kiss and suck I whisper and moan excitedly how big He is how full His manly balls are. The Sirs are usually manscaped down there & rather than make them seem smaller like sissies who’s tiny plums are completely smooth and shiny though electrolysis and or waxed, the Sirs manscaping makes them seem much bigger. Or maybe it is because your lips and face are pressed close to Him intimately. Then you will suck and lick His glans excitedly bobbing your head as your glossy lips take Him in and out. Always maintaining eyes contact. So He can see how submissive you are and so eager to please Him.

Sissies are usually trained for fellatio as part of their feminization, by their ex wives or ex girlfriends

who have taken control of sex in the relationship. I say ex because now they are sissies, maids rather than husbands or boyfriends Or in my case after meeting Mistress who decided to own me. They are usually trained by one of their boyfriends who is particularly well endowed and can cum quite frequently. All this Sirs meet that description really but some are very large. It is considered best to train on a well endowed Man. The most important aspect of the training as well as performance and taking Him in deep and smoothly is eye contact. At first your horror and revulsion will be totally apparent, especially when you first smell Him and taste Him so intimately. You will be cropped in front of Him 6 lashes then you will try again. Quite mercilessly and you soon learn afer 6 or 12 lashes. Then you must learn to keep eye contact and show in your eyes how eager you are for His pleasure, how submissive you are and how you are so happy for the privilege of pleasing Him.

There are devices that can train sissies for fellatio but it is better with a real Man, especially when the reward, albeit on His part is coming in your mouth and face. We do train on dildo’s too, but that is just technique and rhythm. For sissies performing fellatio as with any sexual service is your submissiveness and fervent desire to please Him and only Him, not for yourself and not to avoid punishment, which is still always present, but for His sexual satisfaction. This is the same with Mistress but often She will prefer to put the hem of Her skirt over your head while you are licking Her so eye contact is often not desired.

At some point very embarrassingly and humiliatingly this desire to please Him becomes not training and fear of punishment, but a total and desperate desire to please Him. And it is hard to pinpoint when that actually happened, it kind of  just fades into focus. Like a lot of things for sissies it is hazy and fuzzy. This fervent and loving desire to please only builds and grows and grows immensely and continues to grow seemingly uncontrollably after gelding, especially hormone gelding.     

The vulnerable frightfulness of choking on His seemingly impossibly huge manhood, or thick load of

cum always remains though. As incidentally does the distress and shame of anal penetration, although you long to and you are thrilled to please Him in any way you can.

He might groan or gasp softly with pleasure looking down at you and that makes it so arousing, especially if you cause Him to shift in His seat as His arousal mounts. This is especially arousing for sissies when Mistress shifts and squirms in Her seat while you are performing cunnilingus, you feel you could almost explode with excitement except you are not allowed to.

Often the Sirs are eager just to totally take control and deep throat you at this point. But a lot of Men like to be massaged by our breasts while we suck them, or just to be kissed and licked, sucked in and out for a short while. At least until the first hot splash of precum. Even His precum seems thicker and has more volume, than anything you ever produced, more sweet than His cum, you are usually permitted to swallow His precum without permission and you might just have time to thank Him before He pushes deep into your mouth. Some Men like to spread it around on your lips, like lip gloss before you swallow.

It is very gratifying His hot spurt of precum. The taste of pleasure, His, to cum, so to speak. And you know that you are pleasing Him. You know this already or you would be swiftly punished but we love the taste of His approval.

And of course the sticky bliss of Him exploding in your moth and swallowing His cum, knowing you have pleased Him, before you hurry back to your chores, with a sticky mouth.

But no matter how much you want to please Him, there is always that fear of His massive cock, penetrating you and emasculating you. If it was indeed possible to emasculate an effeminized sissy. The constant fear that He will be too big and choke you on His erection or His explosion of thick pleasure, or He will split you while He is penetrating your ass. Or of displeasing Him and being punished. He is  Man and you are just a sissy a fucktoy for His pleasure.

Whenever you are permitted to speak to Him you are to envisage yourself looking up at Him, His erection towering over and balls in your face. Your lips on Him submissively. Just as whenever we speak to Mistress or any of the Misses or Lady guests we are to imagine ourselves lips pressed to & kissing their bottoms as we speak. Even though we only kiss Mistress between the cheeks in reality when we are kissing other Women, we must see ourselves kissing them there behind them. Soft submissive lips kissing their lovely bottoms, in tight leather mini skirts or leggings. 

Whenever a  Lady enters the room and you curtsy, sissies are expected to kneel and kiss each Lady on

Her behind on each cheek, a s gesture of submission and obedience, acknowledging Her total superiority to you. If She wishes you too of course. Often they will wiggle their behinds as you kiss them softly, teasing you terribly and then commenting on the sound of you squelching on your plug with excitement. Mistress might punish you if you are deemed to get too inappropriately excited at this point. And or but how exciting it is  to kiss their lovely bottoms, and be aware that is all you will ever be allowed to do.

Although often, if they and Mistress desire it you might be gagged with a pair of their freshly removed panties while their boyfriend spanks you or bends you over for His pleasure. You will then get the privilege of hand washing and ironing their panties for them. And the next time they visit you will curtsy and hand them their immaculately laundered, ironed, scented and folded briefs. Which they will then casually toss into their handbags, often with a dismissive gesture to you. Your service must be perfect, but its effecting means nothing to them except that it must be perfect and seen to be. 

This is different with Mistresses boyfriend and other male guests. Although you are expected to just curtsy to them rather than kiss their bottoms. You know that often you will be expected to perform fellatio and then usually anal after that. Mistresses will often tease you to put lots of lip gloss on as She is expecting guests. And you must have a pretty pout for Sir mustn’t you sissy.

You can almost  see Sirs erection growing as you curtsy and then smooth your apron down prettily afterwards. Your fingertip just ever so slightly hesitating as they pass over your own tiny locked bulge. Mistresses lady guests often tease me at this point that with such a pretty curtsy I would be hurrying, mincing to fetch Her strap on, and/or Her crop, depending on Her mood. And the Sirs often just smirk or smile getting ready to spank you and  then to enjoy your very glossy fellatio pout.       

But as always thinking about fellatio is very distracting but back to my morning chores, unless I wanted to be punished.

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Chamber maids duties on my knees in front of Sir


“Oh it smell of sex in here, what have you been doing ?, as if I cant imagine.” The Mistress laughed speaking to Sir rather than me or the other busy chamber maids.

Sir sat back and smiled as I continued to clean Him with my tongue. I glanced up and saw His indulgent smirk. I felt so ashamed squelching helplessly on my plug, my squidging up and down  matching the rhythm of my tongue on His now softening shaft. There wasn’t really much of a smell at all as that would be vulgar and distasteful, but sissies always felt so wetly hot & sticky after Sir had fucked us

The Mistress or Miss tut tutted. Which increased my shame tenfold 

“Hello Miss.” I heard the other two maids chorus in unison as they curtsied to Her. I  heard them squelch on their plugs as they curtsied deeply to Miss. I had heard them squelching as Master had fucked me, gasping and panting with jealous excitement their squidges and gasps keeping rhythm with Masters

  pumping my ass. Again this was more felt and imagined rather than heard, but the superiors did enjoy teasing us terribly about it, real or not and making us blush terribly self consciously.

I wasn’t expected to curtsy and say hello to Miss just yet as I was still, licking Her boyfriends cock clean obediently. 

I didn’t see but there might have been a dismissive wave from Miss, sending the two maids back to their housework, cleaning the luxurious hotel room or She might have just disregarded them.

I was kneeling in front of Master, He liked me to call Him Master rather than Sir, and it was always the guest prerogative.  Now wiping His still semi hard erection with my panties after licking Him clean. I was still squirming desperately on my enlarged plug. Master had first enjoyed fellatio and then impaled me on His lap.

The other two chamber maids in the room were busy cleaning and tidying, We are not permitted to stop work just because one of us is serving intimately. I could hear both of them squelching on their own phallic plugs needily as He fucked my ass. 

I was sometimes permitted to look up at Master as I cleaned & wiped Him.

Miss looked down at me.

“Eyes down sissy.” She told me

“Yes Miss thank you Miss.” I always called the female guests Miss, Ms or Mz, Mistress was the owner of the hotel and all of us maids. The female supervisors were all Miss. Mistress Herself liked Miss when we were alone with Her, but Mistress  when another lady was present. There was a very strict hierarchy here and we were always very aware of it

“Yes eyes down sissy, put your pink panties back on then you can finish drying me with a towel.”

“Yes Master, thank You Master.” I whispered hurrying to obey Him as gracefully as I could.

Miss sat down on the couch next to Master, as I curtsied to both of them. The hotel rooms were very

spacious and well furnished. She had been having a shower after relaxing by the hotels pool, I could also see She wasn’t wearing panties yet.

There were always lots of maids available for domestic service and for intimate service for the male guests. There were 50 maids serving as chambermaids owned by Mistress who were only for Her intimate use, never for the lady guests, fellatio and anal for the Sirs didn’t count.

There were other maids being boarded or kenneled here while their owners were on vacation, typically for 3 or 4 weeks. So there were always lots of maids to serve the guests. In other hotels these maids might be enjoyed by the lady guests as well but not here, although Mistress kept this under review as it might be  a good source of additional tips.

I always felt sorry for the temporary maids knowing that they wouldn’t be getting to serve their Mistress either emotionally or intimately, there was plenty of domestic service, while they were here. But then I would remember that with over 50 maids in Mistresses personal harem or retinue we would all desperately and constantly ache to serve our owner. And Mistress also had Her boyfriends and girlfriends as well as sissies in the clubs to choose from.

“This maid was only supposed to be here to iron my nightwear.” The Miss said half complaining to Her boyfriend.

He slapped my bottom as if in reply

She tut tutted and then laughed.

One of the more intimate chamber maid duties was hand washing and ironing all the ladies underwear.

And it was true, but then Master had decided to interrupt me, fondling my bottom while I ironed, and

then after I had finished spanking me before fellatio and oral. At least He had waited for me to finish the ironing or else I would have been severely punished.

 “Fetch me a white wine maid.” The Miss  told one of the other maids.

The female guests did always enjoy bossing us around humiliatingly and dominating us. One of the more intimate chamber maid duties was hand washing and ironing all the ladies underwear.

“Yes Miss thank you Miss.”

“And make sure it is chilled properly.”

“Yes Miss thank you Miss.”

“Is it too much to ask for a properly chilled drink on a warm day like today.”

Miss had been relaxing in and by the pool outside, shaded of course, while Master had been intimately enjoying my mouth and bottom.   

“No Miss it isn’t Miss,  yes Miss thank you Miss.”

“Unless you also want to fetch the canes sissy.”

“Yes Miss thank you Miss.” I heard the fright in the maids voice as I also shivered and trembled.

At first Mistress had not allowed the female guest to punish us. Instead She would tell Her boyfriend to put over His knee for a spanking or paddling. It was so humiliating to be put over His knee, because you could feel the bulge of your chastity pressing against His leg or lap, and you knew He could feel it too. They have such big hard hands the Sirs too, His spanking slap spreading the stinging pain across your bottom as it reddens and smarts, then on the backs of your thighs. The thick leather paddle was much more solid feeling. You would be sobbing and whimpering after the first spank or stroke nonetheless.

And now we all have breasts its is actually so exciting to see a sissy being spanked over Sirs lap.  Her cleavage swelling and jiggling prettily as She struggles futilely held down. Exciting that is until it is you being spanked or paddled. The Sirs enjoy our little struggles, they are much stronger than us sissies and hold us down easily. We are usually cuffed and gagged with our panties anyway. And in truth you do wiggle and squirm in protest for His enjoyment, until the first spank and then you struggle in misery for real.

But now Mistress allows the Sirs  to cane us also, with the stout thicker cane. & the female guests with the thin springy canes if they choose to, and they often do. It seems to be rather an aphrodisiac for the Lady administering corporal punishment. As sissies you are acutely aware of these things and you can often smell the strong hot smell of their arousal as you kiss the curtsy and thank Her for your caning. A sissy should always thank her superior for corrective punishment, as it helps to improve a sissies service. The male guest also have a thick broad strap or tawse they can use if they feel sissy needs more painful correction.

Of course the Misses could always also punish us as they saw fit with the sissy crops. But if we were in Mistresses presence only She would punish us. And nothing is more frightful and also intimate than bending over the bench or holding your ankles waiting for Mistress to begin with Her canes or crop. And so totally horrible and painful, even if we deserve it which we always do if Mistress or a superior decides we do.

Sometimes if we are to be punished by Mistress with another Lady present, and if we have done something to earn the Ladies displeasure. We might be put over Her lap and held there while we are punished, and this only adds to the humiliation. Because She can feel your tiny chastity bulge and you can smell Her satisfied arousal as you  are punished. Often you might be gagged with a pair of the ladies panties as well, rather than your own.

Mistress always gags us with Her fresh warm panties for punishment or pegging if we are alone with Her. Although sometimes if we are being caned She likes us to bend over curtsy cuffed, holding the hem of your skirt rather than in the leather cuffs, and usually gagged but sometimes Mistress likes to hear us sob, then gag us partway through the caning.

Even now that we are all chemically gelded the superior can still feel your chastity lock against His leg. But oddly enough even though you both can feel it and are aware of it, in your case very self conscious of it. He will rarely mention it, but the Mistress and the Ladies often enjoy teasing us about it, especially the Misses.  


“Before you fetch the towels bring me a beer sissy.” Master told me.

“Yes Master, thank You Master.”

“It is warm today.” He said

“Yes Master, thank You Master.”

We maids were always very stuffy, hot and flustered in our wet look satin and latex maids uniforms. Very tight and close fitting, with petticoats Always collars buttoned fully up to the neck. Unless we were serving Sir in a very low cut uniform with our cleavage juggling prettily for Him. Butt then you felt even hotter and more constrained somehow.

The male guests  sometimes like to have 2 maids serving Him together massaging Him with and between our breasts while we kiss and lick at His glans lovingly and adoringly. Our lips meeting over His swollen glans, eyes looking up obediently,

devoted to His pleasure, meeting His and each other our. Anxious to please Him and vulnerable. Worshiping His erection while we are kept in strict chastity. But not today, He had preferred a quick BJ before lifting me on His lap and letting me grind and squidge slowly down on Him.

The  Men  always felt so much bigger and thicker as you were impaled  and penetrated in this manner. He would push my panties into my mouth and instruct me to lower my gaze as I squelched and squidged up and down on Him until He cums so powerfully inside me. I know it seems silly but it feels like I am, almost about to burst when He is erupting inside me, maybe its because my own sissy dribbles, pre chastity  were always so weak and thin, and He cums so thickly in my mouth or my ass.

The Sirs often like us to sit impaled on their laps, cuffed of course and not being permitted to look up, until He starts to cum inside you. Either facing Him or facing away from Him. When He is cumming you long to cling to Him and to sob your complete submission to

His pleasure. But your wrists are usually cuffed behind you in the small of your back, and you are gagged with your panties. But sometimes afterwards you might be permitted to sit on His lap and cling to Him helplessly, if He is feeling very indulgent, after you have licked Him clean and fetched Him a cool drink of course.

The Men also like to enjoy you doggy style or bent over the bench. Either legs held  widely apart in spreader bars as He opens you further and pounds you, or legs close together in cuffs so your ass  are even tighter for Him as His huge cock penetrates and splits you. Not roughly but forcefully nonetheless.

He slapped my bottom and dismissed me. I was in tears as always. In tears of dismissal and disbelief that after pleasing Him so devotedly and fully I would be so easily and casually discarded, as I deserved to be. But still it made me feel so used and discarded and wanting to please Him so much more.

My breasts jiggled prettily as I curtsied then hurried off to my chores.

I was so sticky and hot and bothered in my panties but the Misses were quick to send me back to the cleaning serving room, and there were plenty of Men who would expect intimate service. Afternoon duties were mainly housework,  serving drinks and fellatio. but there were also plenty of Male guests who wanted to take you into one of the little rooms for anal and often groups of Men who wanted to take turns both oral and rear. 

To earn more money for the hotel Mistress allowed Men from the scene who weren’t guests to come and

enjoy drinks and our service during the afternoon and  evenings. As a consequence  so we were always kept breathlessly busy. Mistress and the Misses always told us what cheap little bimbos we were,  earning ‘tips’ for tricks, but at the same time enjoyed telling us how our tips earned them lots of money for this very plush hotel and the luxuries that Mistresses was entitled to.

Mistress as well as naturally keeping all the tips for Herself  also benefited from our tax allowances, even though legally we were Her property or chattel as Her sissies.

One of the Misses gave me a double swat with the crop to hurry me along. I sobbed and curtsied.

The crop is sometimes called the maid or sissy crop, or the hurry crop, and the ones carries by the Misses were very springy. Mistresses pleasure crop, although She also called it the hurry and sissy crop, to ensure She was pleased, was thicker and more thuddy but still terrifyingly springy. We feared the Misses crops terribly of course but much more Mistresses canes and crop they were so intimately painful in Her hands.

“Yes Miss, thank,  You Miss.” I whimpered and smiled sweetly despite the tears welling in my eyes, mincing hurriedly, obediently the backs of my thighs stinging and smarting.

I always tried my very best to be a good maid.

And not a naughty maid who needed the hot sting of the hurry crop again.