
To kiss softly, obediently adoringly, aching and longing to please Her

Sunday, 16 February 2025

Sissy maids are good chamber maids.


The Misses never needed to do much work apart from to punish us and hurry us along with the crop. That was  their job to supervise us and discipline us. Customer service with corporal punishment. Of course the sissymaids did all the housework & menial chores, smiling happily for our superiors. They enjoyed disciplining and punishing us that was part of the job criteria . Mistress employed ladies on the scene who were very strict and enjoyed being so. The Misses usually had a sissy or sissies of their own at home and often showed us pictures of their own maids. Sometimes we would get to meet them when the Miss was on vacation Herself and Her sissy was boarded here. The other Misses always enjoyed teasing these sissies terribly, but then again they enjoyed teasing all of us just the same.   

Most of the ladies said that their ideal was at first just one sissy. Quite often this was  a boyfriend/partner husband who had become unsatisfactory, or who had always been so and the Mistress had finally decided to take control. Or a specially selected sissy who wanted to enter the lifestyle as had proved themselves to be suitable submissive and compliant. Initially a private, personal sissies just for Mistress and Her new more satisfying boyfriend and the occasional male visitor. At first  just to use and humiliate sissy and further her effeminization. Although this was also quite a turn on for the Mistress to watch.  But then Mistresses desire often  grew to a desire for a small harem of around 5 sissies, still private initially. Who then could also take private visitors to earn substantial extra money for the sissies owners. And then could also be sent to clubs and parties to earn ‘tips for tricks’ for their owners. This was very profitable as female prostitution was prohibitively expensive and socially unacceptable these days. But effeminate sissies were very feminine, obedient and totally pleasing, for a fee. There were also lots of submissive men available, a lot more than you would expect or that even they suspected.

The Mistress and the other women, and the Misses all liked to wear quite fashionable & seductive

clothing. Often highly polished leather skirts or trousers with silk blouses, even business wear was often very subtly sexy and showing that She was highly fashionable and in charge. This of course excited the Sirs but also the sissies haplessly in chastity &  helplessly, even first thing in the morning the ladies who supervised our getting ready in the morning. Watching us shower and take a warm, often quite hot enema, squirming and wriggling with discomfort trying to hold the hot water inside us until given permission to flush, we had to be squeaky clean inside and out for the Sirs. Wriggling and jiggling about as we sponged each other down.

Before showering we were allowed to pee, in turn but often the Misses would tease us and say there wasn’t enough time for that and their break and what was more important Her break or our discomfort.

“Your break time Miss, thank you Miss” We would all say & curtsy, nearly in tears.

So we would wriggle and squirm even more haplessly with our very warm enemas  in the shower 

After we had dried each other the Misses would choose our uniforms, there were lots of variants on the wet look satin and lace but we were never allowed to choose. And them makeup, nails and hair. Most of us had pretty little bobs, a couple of the sissies who had very fine features had shorter feather cuts, but still with enough hair for Sir or Mistress to hold on to if they wanted to. Most of us were blondes I was platinum blonde sometimes with faint pink edging. Our nails were all squoval and veryy glossy, very impractical for our chores but pretty and like our uniforms had to be kept immaculate.

We would all sit down at the tables pressed together on the benches for a slice of dry white toast, in triangles of course and  a sugary cup of weak very milky tea, for breakfast.

The two Misses, there was always two on the morning rota would sit at another table enjoying a full breakfast and very strong aromatic coffee. One or two of us would be lucky enough to attend & serve them.  While they chatted and laughed enjoying breakfast. We were allowed to chat quietly too, eating primly sitting gracefully. Often our bottoms would be tender from spankings and anal the night before. Our posture on  the very thin hard bench had the effect of making us feel like we were impaled on our plugs as we sat and daintily nibbled the toast. Sometimes one of the Misses would pee into a glass and give one or two of us that to drink instead or as well as tea. Especially if She had denied those sissies toileting that morning. But usually the bottled pee was saved till later, to drink with lunch or the evening meal. Only Mistress pees directly into our mouths when She desires, but Mistress likes us to drink female urine whenever possible and because She has so many sissies in Her personal harem acting as chamber maids, there simply isn’t enough from Her alone.

Then as we were sent to our morning chores, there was still a couple of hours of housework before we would wake the Men with fellatio, the Misses would tease us with auto conditioning triggers.

We all of Mistresses sissymaids and chamber maids, all  had breasts DD and ample jiggly cleavages now. Mistress had given us all the extra hormones and then a month or so later we were all chemically gelded. Mistress had told us that sissies growing breasts didn’t need little clitties anymore, and that the hormone balance of having breasts means that little sissy clitties and plums had to go. I wasn’t really so sure about that but if Mistress said it was so,  it was so. And in any case what was better keeping our little flaccid clitties or pleasing Sir with our breasts and earning lots of ‘tips’ for Mistress to enjoy spending.

“Pleasing Sir Mistress. Thank You Mistress.” We had all curtsied obediently.

We were always so very attentive and needy, fervently obedient & submissive.

One unexpectedly delightful side effect of chemical gelding was that it made sissies constantly and hotly

desperate to please the Sirs very much more so than before. Sucking Him and being bent over for Him even though we still found anal deeply distressing and humiliating, with Mistress and Her strap on and more so with Sirs throbbing member. We ached to serve and please the Sirs and cling to Him submissively afterwards nearly as much, but never as much as we ached to serve Mistress intimately, and we also found our trial menial chores erotically charged, especially washing Mistresses or the lady guests underwear. Mistress said it was quite lovely to see me in tears of need hand washing Her panties after cunnilingus. Quite so that She often decided to enjoy my tongue again.

But with the Sirs now we so ached desperately and almost uncontrollably for fellatio and to please Him, for Him to cum stickily in our mouths almost as if somehow we unconsciously or emotionally expected to cum ourselves or feel some release when He came. And even to be bent over and penetrated, which we still found so distressing and shamefully arousing, knowing that He didn’t care because His pleasure was much more important than our discomfort. And that made us want to please Him even more. In the past some sissies were occasionally allowed to orgasm anally during penetration, even to be milked sometimes that way. But the consensus from the Mistresses was that only they should orgasm when they are having sex with us, it was much more enjoyable that way.

And only Sir should cum when they were fucking us. We would still get the build up and the near crescendo, but then only the feeling of total surrender to Hers or His pleasure when they came and you were not allowed to.

So much so that sometimes the Sirs would let us sit on their laps post licking Him clean after sex, or occasionally until we swallowed His cum. Sitting there clinging to Him tearfully for a few moments. But only if He was feeling indulgent. Mistress preferred us to remain kneeling under the hem of Her skirt, kissing Her softly on these occasions. Again only if She was feeling satisfied and indulgent, before sending us to hand wash Her panties. The panties you had so lovingly removed so She could enjoy your intimate service.    


Needless to say this effect of the chemical/hormonal gelding was so amusing and pleasing to Mistress

and the other ladies that many sissies who had been physically gelded, snipped as they called it had the procedure reversed so that sissy could be snipped again. All these procedures could be reversed if our owners gave permission which of course they never would unless it suited them.

The procedure Mistress had chosen for us  left us with just a tiny button extruding that Mistress could fit a pretty little  pink lock to us, with attached urethral tube, so that were still constantly reminded that we were locked up. Some chemical gelding left the clitty recessed similar to a woman’s but without the natural vagina or clitoris. Mistress for now preferred the tiny lockable button and the Sirs liked to see were still locked too. But Mistress could as always change Her mind as She saw fit.

The Misses would tease use telling us to look at each other. Look how pretty she is with her jiggling boobs and bottom in that sexy uniform. Just think how lovely it would be to have her on her knees before you sucking you or bending her over to spread Her cheeks and fuck her tight little bottom.  To see her looking up with her glossed lips around your cock sucking you obediently and lovingly.

Imagine that time when all the girls were so pretty at that party, but out of your reach and you couldn’t wait to get home and masturbate, but time after time that on that journey or odyssey you had been delayed, finally you had arrived home but had become overexcited that as soon as you touched yourself all the week cum just leaked out pathetically like sissies often do before chastity.

Left feeling damp but unsatisfied, and in tears of frustration and shame, unable to get aroused again and

feeling so inadequate compared to the real men at the party. Who were so confident with the pretty girls who reciprocated that confidence and easy sexuality, that was so out of reach for sissies, like you even before you knew you were a sissy.

That is the only way a sissy should have ever cum,  ruined or milked leaking out, but preferably never allowed to release  again once in chastity.

But think how wonderful it would be to be a Sir just for a few moments and have one of the  lovely sissy there for your pleasure. With her jiggling heaving cleavage and Her plump but soft glossy lips engulfing your cock, and to spurt strongly with pleasure in Her pretty face and then to bend her forward and spread her bottom, first with your hands but then with your cock as you penetrate her. How pleasurable that would be. And suddenly that’s all you can think about when you see the other maids mincing so prettily in their lovely glossy, glassy satin and lace trim.

Then with abrupt sharpness, sometimes with the mnemonic sound from the snap of the crop. That horrible snap of leather on soft flesh, or on Her heel, for extra frightening volume.   Miss would reduce us back our effeminate reality we were all  just sissies. Not one of the Sirs but there to please the Sirs and it would be you looking up so prettily at Him from your knees desperately eager to please Sir and knowing that you would be, and deserve to be, punished if you failed in any tiny way to totally satisfy and please Him. Put over His knees and spanked before sex and punished with the crop if you didn’t satisfy and please Him totally. In  a delicious fluster of sex and fear, delicious for them that is.

In tears unable to help ourselves we would face and embrace the other sissies sometimes three or four of us together and curtsy close to each other breast rubbing and jiggling together. And pressing closer kiss each other on the lips, eyes meeting as if we sucking one of the Sirs cocks together. And whisper sweetly to each other.

“I hope Sir is  as strict with you as I want Him to be with me.” Imagining being over His lap for a hard spanking.

“I hope you please Sir as much as I want to please Him.” Imagining Him parting your lips or bottom with His firm cock and cumming.

“Ohhh ohhh, this sissy maid does too, ooh…” We would reply gasping with helpless excitement. Knowing only too well that, that excitement was for His pleasure never yours.

Then curtly we would be sent hurrying to our chores, aching with arousal until it was time to wake the Sirs with fellatio.

The Misses would laugh watching us mincing hurriedly to our chores. Sometimes hurrying one or two of us with a quick sharp double slash with the crop. But the sharp crack of the whip and the fearful obedient sob hurrying us all along.

In the morning the Misses often liked to assign me shoe polishing duties as they said it was amusing to

watch me kneeling squirming on my plug,  thinking about sucking and waking the Sirs as I polished their  shoes with my panties. Or at least it seemed that way, to all of us, each given the most sexually humiliating tasks, more than the other maid. Punished more strictly, teased more, hurried along with the crop more, given a hotter enema or denied morning or evening pee, more than the other maids. In truth though we were all assigned this and the other chores and pantry laundry duties randomly according to our superiors whims. And in truth as well we all were happy when we imagined Mistress or the Sirs and guests treated us more strictly. We all wanted to kept under perfect thrilling discipline to please them as much as possible.  

The maid right next to me got a criss cross across the backs of her thighs. I heartd the awful crack of the leather on the backs of her soft creamy legs and Her squeal and whimper. She curtsied and whispered thank you Miss. I inadvertently curtsied to and Miss laughed at me and thankfully only patted my bottom.

I knelt down to start polishing the shoes, there was  along line of them along the corridor. There was another maid at  the other end of the corridor too, but on the other side. There was lots of shoes to shine. I made sure I squirmed and squelched prettily  when the other Miss walked past and continued to do so thinking already about waking the Sirs. The Miss would be going to the staff room now to relax and maybe sleep for a couple of hours, it was still very early. Sometimes the Ladies on duty had come directly from a night out and were still wearing their lovely outfits.

On occasion, scandalously they might have a boyfriend with them, and after they had supervised us they

might use one of the vacant bedrooms. Sometime I knew the Misses might be aroused and decide to use one of the rooms Herself to masturbate and then sleep. This was none of our business of course, but sometimes the Misses liked to humiliate us by making us attend them in the rooms or maybe have us standing facing the wall while they moaned loudly with pleasure.

But for now I hurriedly got on with polishing the Sirs shoes with my panties. I glanced over at the other maid and Her pretty bouncing breasts as She polished  fervently. I  had a sudden spasm of arousal, then almost choking with need hurried on with my own polishing.

We were good maids and wanted to please Mistress and Her guests.         

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