“Oh it smell of sex in here, what have you been doing ?, as if I cant imagine.” The Mistress laughed speaking to Sir rather than me or the other busy chamber maids.
Sir sat back and smiled as I continued to clean Him with my tongue. I glanced up and saw His indulgent smirk. I felt so ashamed squelching helplessly on my plug, my squidging up and down matching the rhythm of my tongue on His now softening shaft. There wasn’t really much of a smell at all as that would be vulgar and distasteful, but sissies always felt so wetly hot & sticky after Sir had fucked us
The Mistress or Miss tut tutted. Which increased my shame tenfold
“Hello Miss.” I heard the other two maids chorus in unison as they curtsied to Her. I heard them squelch on their plugs as they curtsied deeply to Miss. I had heard them squelching as Master had fucked me, gasping and panting with jealous excitement their squidges and gasps keeping rhythm with Masters
pumping my ass. Again this was more felt and imagined rather than heard, but the superiors did enjoy teasing us terribly about it, real or not and making us blush terribly self consciously.
I wasn’t expected to curtsy and say hello to Miss just yet as I was still, licking Her boyfriends cock clean obediently.
I didn’t see but there might have been a dismissive wave from Miss, sending the two maids back to their housework, cleaning the luxurious hotel room or She might have just disregarded them.
I was kneeling in front of Master, He liked me to call Him Master rather than Sir, and it was always the guest prerogative. Now wiping His still semi hard erection with my panties after licking Him clean. I was still squirming desperately on my enlarged plug. Master had first enjoyed fellatio and then impaled me on His lap.
The other two chamber maids in the room were busy cleaning and tidying, We are not permitted to stop work just because one of us is serving intimately. I could hear both of them squelching on their own phallic plugs needily as He fucked my ass.
I was sometimes permitted to look up at Master as I cleaned & wiped Him.
Miss looked down at me.
“Eyes down sissy.” She told me
“Yes Miss thank you Miss.” I always called the female guests Miss, Ms or Mz, Mistress was the owner of the hotel and all of us maids. The female supervisors were all Miss. Mistress Herself liked Miss when we were alone with Her, but Mistress when another lady was present. There was a very strict hierarchy here and we were always very aware of it
“Yes eyes down sissy, put your pink panties back on then you can finish drying me with a towel.”
“Yes Master, thank You Master.” I whispered hurrying to obey Him as gracefully as I could.
Miss sat down on the couch next to Master, as I curtsied to both of them. The hotel rooms were very
spacious and well furnished. She had been having a shower after relaxing by the hotels pool, I could also see She wasn’t wearing panties yet.
There were always lots of maids available for domestic service and for intimate service for the male guests. There were 50 maids serving as chambermaids owned by Mistress who were only for Her intimate use, never for the lady guests, fellatio and anal for the Sirs didn’t count.
There were other maids being boarded or kenneled here while their owners were on vacation, typically for 3 or 4 weeks. So there were always lots of maids to serve the guests. In other hotels these maids might be enjoyed by the lady guests as well but not here, although Mistress kept this under review as it might be a good source of additional tips.
I always felt sorry for the temporary maids knowing that they wouldn’t be getting to serve their Mistress either emotionally or intimately, there was plenty of domestic service, while they were here. But then I would remember that with over 50 maids in Mistresses personal harem or retinue we would all desperately and constantly ache to serve our owner. And Mistress also had Her boyfriends and girlfriends as well as sissies in the clubs to choose from.
“This maid was only supposed to be here to iron my nightwear.” The Miss said half complaining to Her boyfriend.
He slapped my bottom as if in reply
She tut tutted and then laughed.
One of the more intimate chamber maid duties was hand washing and ironing all the ladies underwear.
And it was true, but then Master had decided to interrupt me, fondling my bottom while I ironed, and
then after I had finished spanking me before fellatio and oral. At least He had waited for me to finish the ironing or else I would have been severely punished.
“Fetch me a white wine maid.” The Miss told one of the other maids.
The female guests did always enjoy bossing us around humiliatingly and dominating us. One of the more intimate chamber maid duties was hand washing and ironing all the ladies underwear.
“Yes Miss thank you Miss.”
“And make sure it is chilled properly.”
“Yes Miss thank you Miss.”
“Is it too much to ask for a properly chilled drink on a warm day like today.”
Miss had been relaxing in and by the pool outside, shaded of course, while Master had been intimately enjoying my mouth and bottom.
“No Miss it isn’t Miss, yes Miss thank you Miss.”
“Unless you also want to fetch the canes sissy.”
“Yes Miss thank you Miss.” I heard the fright in the maids voice as I also shivered and trembled.
At first Mistress had not allowed the female
guest to punish us. Instead She would tell Her boyfriend to put over His knee
for a spanking or paddling. It was so humiliating to be put over His knee,
because you could feel the bulge of your chastity pressing against His leg or
lap, and you knew He could feel it too. They have such big hard hands the Sirs
too, His spanking slap spreading the stinging pain across your bottom as it
reddens and smarts, then on the backs of your thighs. The thick leather paddle
was much more solid feeling. You would be sobbing and whimpering after the
first spank or stroke nonetheless.
And now we all have breasts its is actually so
exciting to see a sissy being spanked over Sirs lap. Her cleavage swelling and jiggling prettily as
She struggles futilely held down. Exciting that is until it is you being
spanked or paddled. The Sirs enjoy our little struggles, they are much stronger
than us sissies and hold us down easily. We are usually cuffed and gagged with
our panties anyway. And in truth you do wiggle and squirm in protest for His
enjoyment, until the first spank and then you struggle in misery for real.
But now Mistress allows the Sirs to cane us also, with the stout thicker cane.
& the female guests with the thin springy canes if they choose to, and they
often do. It seems to be rather an aphrodisiac for the Lady administering
corporal punishment. As sissies you are acutely aware of these things and you
can often smell the strong hot smell of their arousal as you kiss the curtsy
and thank Her for your caning. A sissy should always thank her superior for
corrective punishment, as it helps to improve a sissies service. The male guest
also have a thick broad strap or tawse they can use if they feel sissy needs
more painful correction.
Of course the Misses could always also punish
us as they saw fit with the sissy crops. But if we were in Mistresses presence
only She would punish us. And nothing is more frightful and also intimate than
bending over the bench or holding your ankles waiting for Mistress to begin
with Her canes or crop. And so totally horrible and painful, even if we deserve
it which we always do if Mistress or a superior decides we do.
Sometimes if we are to be punished by Mistress
with another Lady present, and if we have done something to earn the Ladies
displeasure. We might be put over Her lap and held there while we are punished,
and this only adds to the humiliation. Because She can feel your tiny chastity
bulge and you can smell Her satisfied arousal as you are punished. Often you might be gagged with a
pair of the ladies panties as well, rather than your own.
Mistress always gags us with Her fresh warm panties
for punishment or pegging if we are alone with Her. Although sometimes if we are
being caned She likes us to bend over curtsy cuffed, holding the hem of your skirt
rather than in the leather cuffs, and usually gagged but sometimes Mistress likes
to hear us sob, then gag us partway through the caning.
Even now that we are all chemically gelded the superior
can still feel your chastity lock against His leg. But oddly enough even though
you both can feel it and are aware of it, in your case very self conscious of it.
He will rarely mention it, but the Mistress and the Ladies often enjoy teasing us
about it, especially the Misses.
“Before you fetch the towels bring me a beer sissy.” Master told me.
“Yes Master, thank You Master.”
“It is warm today.” He said
“Yes Master, thank You Master.”
We maids were always very stuffy, hot and flustered in our wet look satin and latex maids uniforms. Very tight and close fitting, with petticoats Always collars buttoned fully up to the neck. Unless we were serving Sir in a very low cut uniform with our cleavage juggling prettily for Him. Butt then you felt even hotter and more constrained somehow.
The male guests sometimes like to have 2 maids serving Him together massaging Him with and between our breasts while we kiss and lick at His glans lovingly and adoringly. Our lips meeting over His swollen glans, eyes looking up obediently,
devoted to His pleasure, meeting His and each other our. Anxious to please Him and vulnerable. Worshiping His erection while we are kept in strict chastity. But not today, He had preferred a quick BJ before lifting me on His lap and letting me grind and squidge slowly down on Him.
The Men always felt so much bigger and thicker as you were impaled and penetrated in this manner. He would push my panties into my mouth and instruct me to lower my gaze as I squelched and squidged up and down on Him until He cums so powerfully inside me. I know it seems silly but it feels like I am, almost about to burst when He is erupting inside me, maybe its because my own sissy dribbles, pre chastity were always so weak and thin, and He cums so thickly in my mouth or my ass.
The Sirs often like us to sit impaled on their laps, cuffed of course and not being permitted to look up, until He starts to cum inside you. Either facing Him or facing away from Him. When He is cumming you long to cling to Him and to sob your complete submission to
His pleasure. But your wrists are usually cuffed behind you in the small of your back, and you are gagged with your panties. But sometimes afterwards you might be permitted to sit on His lap and cling to Him helplessly, if He is feeling very indulgent, after you have licked Him clean and fetched Him a cool drink of course.
The Men also like to enjoy you doggy style or bent over the bench. Either legs held widely apart in spreader bars as He opens you further and pounds you, or legs close together in cuffs so your ass are even tighter for Him as His huge cock penetrates and splits you. Not roughly but forcefully nonetheless.
He slapped my bottom and dismissed me. I was in tears as always. In tears of dismissal and disbelief that after pleasing Him so devotedly and fully I would be so easily and casually discarded, as I deserved to be. But still it made me feel so used and discarded and wanting to please Him so much more.
My breasts jiggled prettily as I curtsied then hurried off to my chores.
I was so sticky and hot and bothered in my panties but the Misses were quick to send me back to the cleaning serving room, and there were plenty of Men who would expect intimate service. Afternoon duties were mainly housework, serving drinks and fellatio. but there were also plenty of Male guests who wanted to take you into one of the little rooms for anal and often groups of Men who wanted to take turns both oral and rear.
To earn more money for the hotel Mistress allowed Men from the scene who weren’t guests to come and
enjoy drinks and our service during the afternoon and evenings. As a consequence so we were always kept breathlessly busy. Mistress and the Misses always told us what cheap little bimbos we were, earning ‘tips’ for tricks, but at the same time enjoyed telling us how our tips earned them lots of money for this very plush hotel and the luxuries that Mistresses was entitled to.
Mistress as well as naturally keeping all the tips for Herself also benefited from our tax allowances, even though legally we were Her property or chattel as Her sissies.
One of the Misses gave me a double swat with the crop to hurry me along. I sobbed and curtsied.
The crop is sometimes called the maid or sissy crop, or the hurry crop, and the ones carries by the Misses were very springy. Mistresses pleasure crop, although She also called it the hurry and sissy crop, to ensure She was pleased, was thicker and more thuddy but still terrifyingly springy. We feared the Misses crops terribly of course but much more Mistresses canes and crop they were so intimately painful in Her hands.
“Yes Miss, thank, You Miss.” I whimpered and smiled sweetly despite the tears welling in my eyes, mincing hurriedly, obediently the backs of my thighs stinging and smarting.
I always tried my very best to be a good maid.
And not a naughty maid who needed the hot sting of the hurry crop again.
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