
To kiss softly, obediently adoringly, aching and longing to please Her

Friday, 9 August 2024

6. (b) A Sissies Journey - In the Laundry Room Part 3 Buxom and soon to be Snipped


On another occasion I was serving at one of the tables and Ms and Her friends were admiring one of the sissies now quite sweetly swollen breasts, and ample cleavage. Her Mistress and Master had decided to impose them on her as an anniversary  present, sissy had been 2 years in chastity, and the hormone treatment was pretty much complete. Although sissies are always still kept on very high dosages of estrogen and hormones, to keep them ditzy, docile and submissive.

Her cleavage was indeed very comely and bouncy, the push up bra being 2 sizes too small for her. & I could hear the bells on her nipples. Sissies with breasts often wear very low cut uniforms, unlike us who have our peter pan collars always fully buttoned up. Though sometimes they too also wear the high collars.

“They are very bouncy aren’t they sissy ? .” The sissies owner asked

“Yes Mistress, they are Mistress, thank You Mistress.” Sissy replied curtsying

The bobbing motion of her curtsy made her cleavage swell and bob even more prettily.

“They are so much better than implants, I think, much softer and fuller, for both sissy and her ‘Masters’ to feel, more weighty feeling too.”

Sometimes if a sissy is serving a real Man intimately He is to be referred to as Master rather than Sir. Some superiors think it makes sissies more obedient and submissive to male pleasure, but it is really just a matter of personal taste on the part of the owner. On the other hand sissies owned by a male superior nearly always call Him Master and other real Men Sir.

When I used to go home with Miss from the office, Her sissy used to call Miss’s long term boyfriend Master but I had to call Him Sir. But then Ms said I should also call Him Master if I was going to be sucking His cock. Later She told Miss that She only suggested it because She thought it might be  entertaining and sexually humiliating for me, which it was, and therefore I would serve ‘Master’ better, which I felt I did. 

The special hormonally induced breasts are quite lovely in texture and feel. The Sirs often enjoy being

massaged or masturbated with a sissies breasts, while sissy sucks and kisses His glans. Sometimes as a prelude to full deep throat fellatio, and sometimes just in itself. And natural breasts feel so much warmer and welcomingly pliable wrapped around His cock. And of course sissy can feels His nice hard cock as it throbs and spasms with male excitement. The natural breasts can be equally big and heavy, heavier than silicon too. DD is the most common size sometimes E but anything larger is seen as too vulgar by most female owners of sissies.  Hormones keep the breasts feeling very full and pert no matter what size is chosen for sissy. 

“They can be a little cumbersome for your little chores cant they sissy ?.” The Mistress asked not particularly sympathetically.

“Yes Mistress, they can be sometimes Mistress, thank You Mistress.”

“But that doesn’t matter does it sissy, as long as you still perform your housework perfectly.”

“Yes Mistress, thank You Mistress.”

I saw her tremble as I too gasped softly and trembled with fright too at the implicit threat of the cane or crop. Corporal punishment is a very suitable and efficient incentive for maids. Just the mention or thought of punishment makes us feel breathless and horribly clammy with fright. Ms says that seeing me  visibly shiver and pale with fright, is very sweet, and She is often tempted to be lenient with me. Tempted although She does find corporal punishment to be very satisfying too.

“Mostly though I allow her to wear her standard uniforms during the day, a little more generously cut, with the buttons and collar buttoned up properly.”

Most sissymaid uniforms have buttoned collars peter pan collars, mine today was very pretty ivory white  lace, contrasting with the glassy wet look black satin dress. The hormones give us all little swellings and more effeminate curves, slightly buxom.

“You do look nice, constrained and swollen in your pretty day uniforms  though don’t you sissy.”

“Yes Mistress, thank You Mistress.”

“If not  a little hot and bothered.”

“Yes Mistress, thank You Mistress.”

“But very pretty.”

“Yes Mistress, thank You Mistress.” Sissies are so easily mollified and flattered.

“Unless of course my boyfriend is visiting or I have male company over, then we have nice low cut uniforms like this one, don’t we sissy.”

“Yes Mistress, thank You Mistress.”

“It is quite sweet watching sissy on Her hands and knees polishing the floor, or some other little chore,

with her buxom cleavage swelling and bobbing.”

“And she has some lovely pink maids uniforms and baby doll nighties, just for her ‘Masters’ visits, don’t you sissy ?.”

Often Mistress might go out for the night with Her friends but allow Her boyfriend to come over and enjoy Her sissies intimate service. Or allow Her male friends to visit sissy during the day if they are feeling horny. Often this will be a group visit, with Mistresses consent of course. Sissy is rarely informed beforehand and this keeps sissy feeling expectant and vulnerable during the day. Which has the delightful effect of making sissy especially  loving, attentive and submissive when Mistress comes home. She always is of course but this feels nice for Her owner, even if it just a placebo effect. 

“Yes Mistress, thank You Mistress.” Sissy curtsied, very self conscious with all the attention now

The bobbing motion of her curtsies made her cleavage swell and bob even more prettily.   

The Men seemed to be paying Her even more attention now, and I must confess I was getting a little excited looking at her too.

“But we will have to get you a much better fitting bra sissy.”

By which She meant much smaller and more uplifting, as everyone including sissy, and especially the Sirs knew.

“Yes Mistress, thank You Mistress.” Sissy replied with a squelch on her plug, as she curtsied.  Looking very flushed as her owner laughed.

Did I hear that or did I imagine it, I squelched on my own plug too as one of the Men put His hand inside my panties and squeezed my bottom. Quite casually and absently I must add, we are inconsequential and there to be enjoyed as we serve.

“Sissy also finds Her nipples are very sensitive too, especially with the piercings, for Her tassel bells, isn’t that so sissy.”

“Yes Mistress, thank You Mistress.”

“It can be a little distressing for you cant it sissy ?”

“Yes Mistress, thank You Mistress.” Sissy looked ever so slightly pained, the result was quite winsome.

I glanced up at Her owner who was smiling sweetly as She enjoyed teasing Her sissy

“But the little bells do look and sound pretty for Sir which is All that matters isn’t it sissy ?”

“Yes Mistress, thank You Mistress.” She said with another curtsy and little squelch.

The superiors often tease us about the sounds of our wet little squelches and squidging as we mince about. But in truth it is much more something we sissies feel and hear, and our self conscious about, than they are.

Ms says a little chain between the nipples with a free swinging bell on it would suit me. Although that

would be best decided by Sir or Master as He would enjoy my breasts quite a lot. The silver or gold bells are very tiny and lovely, heart shaped with quite a loud ring or tinkle. Slave girls have their clitoris pierced with such a bell and some sissies have their flaccid clitties pierced like that too. Though that isn’t popular with these scene. Nor is using the electric shock rods on a sissies chastity. This can be very painful especially as we all are locked in devices with deep urethral inserts, but it draws too much attention to our clitties, which are insignificant and irrelevant. 

Oh but she does have such lovely breasts and everyone laughs and the Men slap her bottom when one of them stuffs a few dollar bills into her cleavage to take to the bar. There is no need for this apart from enjoyment and amusement as everything is on credit or on the card, but still. Even to my eyes it looks so humiliating but sweet and obedient too. Later one of the Men would stuff dollars into the rear of my panties too, laughing as He slapped my bottom sending, me on my way.

Yes the next thing for Her is the snip Her Mistress said, chemical gelding for sissies is seen as a final step. The shrunken tiny cherries receding back inside the body and the clittie either recessed, or just a very tiny button sticking out, so a chastity tube, or button can still be attached and kept locked. Although sissy will never get hard again or even slightly firm, again, she will still get and be kept very sexually excited and therefore  attentive and submissive to her superiors every need and want.

“And of course which such a lovely buxom  frontage, you cant look down  see your little thing anymore can you sissy?”

“No Mistress, Yes Mistress, thank You Mistress.”

“And of course we will soon be taking care of that wont we sissy.”

“Yes Mistress, thank You Mistress.”  She sounded upset, naturally so.

“And aren’t you looking forward to serving the Sirs and Masters, after we have your little missy snipped, sissy, wont that be enjoyable for them.”

The sissy looked suddenly very distressed.

“Yes Mistress….., thank Yo…….” She was interrupted

“Arent you looking forward to the next stage in your journey sissy ?” Her owner asked

“Yes Mistress, thank You Mistress.” Sissy was crying.

“It doesn’t matter what you want anyway sissy.”

“Yes Mistress, thank You Mistress.”

“Nobody is or will be asking your silly opinion, that is for your superiors to decide isn’t it sissy?”

“Yes Mistress, thank You Mistress.”

“Wont it be enjoyable for me and the Sirs being served so perfectly sissy.”

“Yes Mistress, thank You Mistress.”

“And when I orgasm , or they cum not bothering about your tiny thing sissy.”

“Yes Mistress, thank You Mistress.”

“And then afterwards Master & I  will have you branded sissy.”

“Yes Mistress, thank You Mistress.”

Usually a sissy might be branded at any time to emphasize her owned status. But after sissy has breasts and the snip it is especially poignant.

“Does it hurt Mistress ?.”

“Oh don’t be silly sissy it doesn’t hurt at all.” One of the Men laughed

“Oh you mean you, don’t you sissy. I suppose it must hurt when the white hot iron sizzles into the soft flesh of  your bottom.”

“And even though sissies are heavily gagged they do scream and squeal into the thick ball gag, quite loudly so it must hurt somewhat sissy.”

“Yes Mistress, thank You Mistress.”

“But it is a very pretty brand afterwards sissy.”

“Yes Mistress, thank You Mistress.”

And  a very emotionally significant moment for sissy, knowing she is truly the property of her owner.

Before being branded some sissies are tattooed with a tiny bar code or qr code, or have an electronic implant, or both. I have the implant for now. Some sissies also wear an old fashioned ID bracelet, sometimes on the wrist or ankle and sometimes around the neck, with their owners name engraved. They do look very pretty but Ms hasn’t given me one as yet.

The superiors lost interest in teasing us and sissy and I continued serving unobtrusively and self effacingly like good maids. The Men would fell and fondle our bottoms while we served and slap our bottoms or the backs of our thighs, but in  a casual absent minded relaxed manner. Casual and relaxed for them at any rate. 

Later Ms took me to a private room, and after I had served Her a drink I couldn’t help myself &  had tearfully asked Ms if She intended me to have breasts and to have me gelded and branded.

She had stopped and shushed  me as a couple of Her friends came into the room. After I had fetched the ladies fresh drinks Ms pulled me close and patted my bottom.

“Sissy was just about to ask me something weren’t you sissy.”

“Yes Ms, thank You Ms.” I had whispered shyly very embarrassed now

Yes She did intend for me to have pert, or rather ample little breasts for the Sirs to enjoy fondling and spattering with their sticky pleasure. And also I could masturbate them with my cleavage while kissing and licking the head. Wont that be enjoyable for them sissy ?.

“Yes Ms, thank You Ms.”

And after that I would be gelded and branded, branded usually by a Master or Sir indicating  His

ownership of my sexual service.

I was distraught, in tears. Ms patted my bottom and told me of course the process could be reversed if I changed my mind.

“Could it Ms, please Ms, thank You Ms ?” ?

“If I gave permission sissy.”

“Yes Ms, thank You Ms.”


These decisions always depend on a sissies owner. The legal term being keyholder. Mistress, Miss, Ms, Master are intimate terms of endearment.

“Would you ever give permission though ?” one of the ladies laughed the amusement evident in Her voice.

“Of course not.”  Ms said matter of factly but clearly amused too, I could see Her shifting in Her seat a little distractedly, so I knew She was aroused too.

“Eyes down sissy.”

“Yes Ms, thank You Ms.”

“More wine sissy, then face the wall.”

“Yes Ms, thank You Ms.”

Later She told me to fetch the pink cuffs and Her  crop.

After She had given me six, She gave me then another 6 with the now warmed leather for bothering Her and Her friends  with such silly questions.

She wasn’t particularly angry as such but my silliness needed correction. She had considered the canes but on this occasion the crop was more suitably intimate. She had told me as She watched me kissing the tab, tasting and smelling the leather, sobbing with fright, before gagging me with Her panties, which were quite sopping wet. She would sometimes slip the tab of the whip between Her legs to wetten it, so I could kiss the glistening leather and smell and taste Her evident excitement. The smell and taste of sex and fear for sissy.

Six searing lashes then six more as I sobbed and squealed into Her panties, stuffed so damp in my mouth.

Then I had been told to fetch the strap on, as sometimes silly sissies need a good fucking, or pegging.

Again She had peeled off Her 2nd pair of panties which were also completely soaked, in the intimate

area  even more so than the first pair.   

She had given me gave me  a good hard pegging. And came quite powerfully still inside me. After Her climax tonight She didn’t want cunnilingus, as She was going out with Her boyfriend later that evening. She did consider having me fluff Him before they went out, but though it was better to keep Him horny for Her enjoyment later. Sissy fluffing quite varied is where sissy performs fellatio for Mistresses boyfriend and He cums in Her mouth, so temporarily satisfied/relieved He will last longer for Mistress later. Other times sissy just makes Him hard before assisting Mistress in getting undressed from Her underwear before He and Mistress have sex. Miss likes to do this with me when I stayed over. But Sir or Master would often grumble that He was just about to cum, when She stops us, Miss finds that very amusing. And after all He and Miss still had sex and orgasms.

When I am dismissed from the room, Miss’s sissy and me will hug an squeeze each other tightly, helplessly with foiled excitement. If Miss or another superior catch us at these moments they like to watch us kiss each other on the lips an curtsy to each other. Female superiors will never kiss us on our lips, just sometimes on our cheeks or forehead, but mostly we kneel and kiss our Mistresses and Misses on the bottom, and our Mistresses and Ms sometimes on the front on the pubic mound respectfully and reverently. The Sirs or Masters sometimes like to kiss us forcefully, ravishingly on the mouth, invading us with their tongues, but not very often.

Instead Ms had decided to  send me to another room where at least 4 of the Sirs were already enjoying

the sissy with her bouncy breasts and were also waiting for me. Sissies uniform and cleavage was already sticky with thick cum, and in spite of myself I was very excited seeing her buxom splattered cleavage. Her panties were down around Her ankles as mine would very soon be, or stuffed into my mouth. There was usually a separate pair of sex soiled panties for gagging us with or for chores, cleaning the floor or Sirs shoes.  

The Sirs had already put sissy over the bench and were enjoying her  ass. While I served drinks and fellated or cleaned the other Men in turn.

Then it was my turn over the bench, next to sissy, each of us now gagged with the others panties while we were fucked, whimpering and squealing in helpless protestation, the Sirs enjoyed hearing our muffled moans it served as an extra aphrodisiac and spur. Later a  few other Men came into the room to join the party.

After the first session and the Men were all sated and thirsty, sissy an di served drinks and licked the Men clean. We were both very flushed and sticky all over but were left that way. Kneeling in front of the Sirs as they laughed and joked, it was quite evident that they were far from finished with us.


But then the other sissy owner arrived to collected her and be taken home, as sissy wasn’t resident in the club like me, although some non boarder sissies occasionally stay over too. Sissy was lashed across the backs of Her thighs with the crop and scolded for being in such a slutty mess, to loud laughter by the Men.  Then sissy was leashed and led away, some Mistresses like to use a collar and leash, for their sissies. I got the impression that Mistress was less than secretly quite pleased and excited to see Her sissy so well used and flushed with sexual use. And no doubt after being firmly she had been disciplined the sissies tongue would be well used tonight.

But I was not to be rescued tonight and the Sirs were getting horny again. I was put across the bench

again and used at least once more by each of the Sirs. When they were finally satisfied I served more drinks then licked them clean in turn. They all then left leaving me to clean the room. but then one of the Sirs came back into the room for fellatio before I was sent to bed. It was too late to shower so I was sent to bed still sticky with cum. We all shared a bed so the other sissies were all ‘yuck’ and ‘eww’ as I was pushed into the middle of them but there was no space to avoid my sticky mess.    

As I drifted off to sleep I could hear Ms’s amused voice

 “Just imagine that you had such a lovely cleavage too sissy.” Ms had said sweetly as She sent me to the room.

“Yes Ms, thank You Ms.” I had replied

“And how much they would enjoy that sissy.”

“Yes Ms, thank You Ms.”

“Run along now sissy, good night sissy.” She had laughed

“Yes Ms, goodnight Ms, thank You Ms.”

My bottom and thighs were so very  tender the next day, Ms had started using the super tightening lube

on me when She pegged me and the Sirs enjoyed using that lube. It was called ‘Like a Virgin’ and it really did make you feel especially tight for their enjoyment. Mistress said I would moan and whimper so sweetly and push back so spasmodically as I was penetrated. It felt so heavenly on the other end of the strap on She would exclaim happily. And the Sirs said it felt to good and tight fucking me. So very tight but so slick and slippery for them too.   Not just tight at my opening but all the way along His cock, almost squeezing and swallowing His cock in to me until He came. The Sirs always seem very big and well endowed, to tiny soft sissies like me. And indeed all or most of the Sirs were well over average to say the least.  But with the ‘Virgin’ lube they felt positively enormous, thick and long.

It must be so pleasurable for them to have us pretty sissies so obedient to please them. And in this scene all sissies were kept very feminine or effeminate, and very petite and curvy for their sexual exploitation and enjoyment. Kept so lovely and pretty in chastity for  Mistresses domestic & intimate service and of course for the Sirs sexual enjoyment.

Sometimes, as is intended and expected,  I will get so carried away and excited myself looking at the other pretty maids, mincing around so sexually but so sweetly demure and obedient too  in our lovely shiny outfits. I lose myself in breathless desire but only for a achingly brief moment, until so suddenly I  remember. Or am reminded by a sharp swift slap on my bottom. That I am just another sissy and not allowed to even get slightly firm, let alone hard, and not to cum. Just a fucktoy for the Mens pleasure. But that sharp realization just  arouses me and makes me want to please the Sirs so much more.

I have sometimes wondered if the Men enjoy fucking sissies so much, why Ms enjoys it so much too. But then Ms has laughed and said that Her boyfriends have said the liberated dominant Ladies who know exactly what they want are the best fucks ever. Which makes me so helplessly hot for Her. She and Her friends will often tease while I am kneeling behind them kissing their bottoms in greeting. That the reason they have such lovely firm bottoms is because sex is such good exercise. And how grateful I should be to be allowed to kiss their bottoms respectfully and submissively. This always makes me squirm and squelch so tightly on my plug as I kiss them.

Ms laughs that often it looks like I am scarcely able to stand, bent over, much was my need upon me. Of

course I always do stand and curtsy perfectly for Ms and Her guests, and they will often laugh and comment as I mince about serving them. Ms will always keep my plug enlarged when I am serving Her or Her friends. And to exacerbate and intensify my sexual discomfort and chaste distress even further. I know that Ms and the ladies will often get slightly, sometimes more so. aroused by my arousal. And kissing their bottoms often in lovely tight, short skirts or leggings I cant help but be aware of this and to smell their excitement. Of course this is perfectly acceptable and enjoyable for Ladies, as they will be able to climax and orgasm when and as they please later. All of which makes it feel that much more desperate for me.

And the Sirs will get excited watching me too. If

He hadn’t wanted an immediate blow job before, He will most certainly want to enjoy my glossy lip service quite urgently now. My pre fellatio spanking will be that much harder and sounder now. Which also has the shameful effect of making me wanting the spanking to be firm now, until it starts that is. And for Him to be oh so very impossibly big and hard in my mouth as I look up kissing and sucking Him submissively.

While we are on the subject of spanking and paddling by the Sirs. Although they enjoy spanking and paddling, sometimes caning  us. On our rumps, our bottoms and the tender rears of our thighs, corporal punishment is just that. There is no physical mistreatment or violence allowed. Ms may occasionally slap our faces and Sir might cuff our faces, brusquely but not roughly to one side after

fellatio. But that is all, Ms and the other ladies insist that their maids are not treated roughly or  in an unseemingly manner. The Sirs are dominant but not rough or displaying toxic masculinity,  that is now in the mainstream and also in this scene socially unacceptable. Even sissies who are pimped out their clients are vetted very carefully, even though sissy might not be aware at the time.          

Naturally though sissy maids still feel patronized and belittled by the Sirs as sissies and fucktoys should be for their enjoyment. And that treatment and being placed under male domination makes us so much more eager to please them.

Ms says maids after they have been put under male domination are so much more effeminately docile and obediently lovely. We are joy to watch at our housework or kneeling under Her skirt. So much so that is hardly ever necessary to punish or discipline us, except that they do relish and enjoy the swish of the crop and canes, and our fearful reaction so much sometimes.

“This is going to hurt you much more than it hurts me sissy.”

“Yes Ms, thank You Ms.”

“But it is for my own good sissy.”

“Yes Ms, thank You Ms.”

 And to see Mistress or Ms, and Her friends so sexy and utterly entrancing and captivating, so sexually liberated and confident. Sissies  are so excited and aroused then to realize that they are to please Mistress intimately. Feeling Her soaked thighs wrapped around your face, as She moans in ecstasy, is so achingly heavenly, even if and because,  you are kept soft and tiny in chastity. And to be sent to hand wash Her panties afterwards, still squelching and squidging, grinding helplessly on your massively enlarged plug, while you curtsy obediently.

The next morning the Sir supervising us in the pantie laundry was watching me mincing about my chores very closely.

He wanted fellatio 3 times that morning, I had barely time to finish washing my pile of underwear that day. Then afterwards He had enjoyed my ass too before He went off shift. I was popular in the afternoon too, the other sissies were quite jealous. One of the Sirs later showed me a video He and the other supervisor  had been watching. Of me in tears in front of Ms last night, and then myself and the buxom sissy being gangbanged side by side.

After He had finished fucking me, He slapped my bottom and told me to hurry my tight little ass back to my chores. And all afternoon the other sissies teased me mercilessly, but they were all still hotly jealous. I wanted to run and hide but the Sirs wanted otherwise, and I was always a good girl.

Of course there were plenty of other days where it was another girls turn, for the Sirs attention. And I among all the other maids would be left squirming and squelching, thighs melting with envy. Furtively glancing over to where sissy was serving Sir. While we were busy with our chores. Listening to Her moans and whimpers as She was spanked or paddled. Scandalized and glad she was getting what she deserved, over His knee and punished. But oh so shamefully wishing it was you. But today you have the hot humiliated shame of not being chosen, which makes you even hotter to please Him.    

Ms was very amused later when I told Her about the afternoons goings on. And as a special reward gave
me a warm drink of Her pee straight into my mouth before I knelt between Her thighs for intimate lip service.  


In spite of what I knew was coming I so wanted a buxom cleavage to please the Ms and Sirs. I so longed to feel and hear them orgasm or cum while I knelt so submissively and intimately for them.   

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